Harry's POV

{Monday, Oct 19}

Louis opted out of going to school today, and spent all day yesterday in his new room. He asked for some space and that's what I gave him.

I did for the rest of that day on Saturday, then I tried to wake him up with breakfast in bed Sunday morning. He got mad and said he didn't move here to be treated any better than he actually is. Not sure what he meant by that, but I took it as a hint that he needs more alone time. I didn't see him come out of the room that whole day except to use the bathroom and get food.

Lottie still has been sleeping on an air mattress in there until the second bed we ordered arrives. The room is big enough for it. But Lottie only goes in that room at night. Otherwise she's hanging out with my Mum and I.

She says Louis gets like this for a few days at a time after their dad would hurt him. She explained to me that if there's one main thing she remembers from before their dad left the three of them, it was Louis disappearing after their dad hurt him. Then of course once their Mum caught on, she kicked him out.

Lottie must have been really young when this all started happening, which makes me sad since she claims it to be the main thing she remembers from her childhood.

Remembering I'm in Spanish class, Zayn snaps me out of my thoughts. "Harry," he waves his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah what?"

"You've been starring at that translation for like ten minutes. Do you need help?"

"No, I was just zoned out."

"What were you thinking about?"

"Don't tell him I told you this, but Louis and his sister moved in with me this weekend."

"Wow. Why's that?"

"I don't thinks it's my place to say why, I'll leave that up to him, but he just hasn't been in a good headspace the past few days. I'm just worried about him, that's all."

"I understand. Let me know if he needs something that I could help with. I'm here for both of you."

"Thanks Z, that means a lot."

I finish my sentence, and the bell dismisses us to lunch.

"Where's Louis," asks Niall as soon as Zayn and I take our seats.

"He hasn't been feeling great so he stayed home," I say and Zayn gives me a look to tell Niall more. "Him and Lottie just moved in with me, and I think he just needs some time to adjust."

"Is Lottie adjusting alright?"

"Yeah she's actually doing great. Louis is just in a tough spot and I think he's trying to figure out how to handle it."

"What do you mean."

"I don't want to overstep my boundaries, because I'm not sure how much he wants everyone to know, but he had just been having problems at home. My Mum offered to let them move in with us and he agreed. I don't know if he's regretting it now or what."

"I'll tell you what," Niall starts. "If I got to move in with Zoe, I would not be complaining. Give it some time, let him warm up to the place."

"Yeah Niall is right. It's definitely a big change for him and he probably doesn't know how to act," Zayn adds.

"Yeah I just don't know whether to give him space, or try to talk to him. Either could be really bad so I'm just really confused."

"Did he say he wants space," Zayn asks.

"He did actually, but nothing seems to be changing."

"How long has he been in your house?"

"Since Saturday."

"Well then maybe it's time to go talk him out of his dark place. He probably needs someone but doesn't know how to ask."

"That's a good point, but Louis is all about being the person who comforts others, not the other way around."

"So his ego is the problem," asks Niall.

"None of that," shushes Zayn. "Just after school today, check in on him and try to have a conversation with him. Get him out of bed, make sure he's up and moving. Maybe let him see the sun at some point, make him drink water and he'll start feeling more like himself okay?"

I agree and we continue on with our lunch.


The rest of the day dragged on forever, but Niall finally just dropped me off at home.

Now I'm back at Louis' bedroom door knocking.

"Hey Lou. Can I come in?" I don't hear a response, so I follow up my question with, "are you awake?"

Louis actually opens the door and reveals his room to me.

"How you doing Lou?"

"Good," he says from in front of me. He's wearing only a pair of sweatpants and his hair is in disarray. His bruise on the side of his face is still prominent.

"You sure?"

He just looks to the floor.

"Can I come in," I repeat. He steps back and I finally actually enter the room.

"Let's go lay down, yeah?" He nods and I go to his bed and make room for him to cuddle in next to me. He does.

"Are you ready to talk about it?"

"What would you like to know?"

"First off, why have you been all coped up in here? You're safe here I won't let anything happen to you."

"You shouldn't have to protect me."

"I want to. You're hurting right now and I just want to help."

"I'm strong enough."

"I know you are, but it's okay to need help. Even you told me that."

"It's just hard, but I'll be okay."

"Louis I can tell your mind is all over the place. Please just say what you really mean. You can tell me."

"I'll go to school tomorrow, I'll let Lottie spend time in her own room for god's sake and I'll make some dinner tonight since you all have been cooking for me since I got here. I'm sorry for being such a pain I really don't mean it. I know I'm being weak and I shouldn't have to rely on you and your Mum like this so I'm sorry for that too."

"Louis stop. None of that is true. You're not weak or a pain and you're not being too reliant. No one minds cooking for you and take all the time you need to be ready to go to school. I don't mind bringing home the week's assignments for you until your bruises heal if that's what you need from me right now."

"That'd be really nice actually yeah, But I don't really want that right now. It's not what I want to be worrying about"

"Okay do you want?"

"Right now I just want you to stay here with me."

"I can do that."


Word count: 1164

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