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Louis pulls me by the hand out the back door into my back yard.

"Lou it's pouring, what's this all about?"

"Exactly. We're dancing in the rain. Kick off your shoes so they don't get ruined in the grass." I do as he says and toss my shoes back into the house. He does the same.

We stay standing under the overhang which keeps us dry.

"How are we going to dance? There's no music."

"Hmm... Didn't think that far ahead. Left my phone in the house."

"It's fine. How about you just sing," I ask him.

"Who said I liked to sing?"

"No one. But do you like to sing?"

"I guess I'm not against singing."

"Perfect. Sing a song."

"I will sing under one condition," he gives in.

"Which is?"

"You have to sing too. And don't say you don't sing because I've heard you singing in the shower before. You sound like an angel by the way."

"Never sung for anyone before though," I say shakily.

"Let me be your first. What should we sing?"

I think for a moment then ask, "It's going to be kind of embarrassing if you don't, but do you know Taylor Swift songs?"

"Yeah I do actually, that's not embarrassing. I listen to Taylor Swift all the time I love her. What song were you thinking?"

"Oh really? Same. How about Everything Has Changed. It also has Ed Sheeran and I like him too. I think I know all the words to that one."

"That's perfect. May I have this dance," he asks, holding his hand out.

I place mine in his and he walks me out into the grass. The sun has almost fully set, so the sky has a slight shade of orange, contrasting the dark rain clouds overhead.

"I'm going to sing one line, then you sing the next okay?" I nod my head and he continues. "All I knew this morning when I woke."

"Is I know something now, know something now, I didn't before."

"And all I've seen, since eighteen hours ago."

Louis spins me around as he sings to me, "Is green eyes, dimples in your smile, in the back of my mind making me feel like."

Then we both sing, "I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now. I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now. I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now. I just wanna know you, know you, know you."

I continue and sing, "Cause all I know is we said 'hello,' and your eyes looking like coming home."

"I know it's a simple name, and everything has changed."

"All I know is you held the door, you'll be mine and I'll be yours."

"All I know since yesterday, is everything has changed."

As I sing that line, Louis dips me and says, "I'll be honest I'm not exactly sure how the next verse goes and I'm getting kind of cold."

"Good time though. Never danced in the rain before."

"It's exhilarating, but seriously let's get inside." I start to walk back inside, then he says, "Wait," and he pulls me back towards him. He pushes back my sopping wet hair off my forehead and pulls my face into his. The kiss gets heated fast, tongues fighting for dominance. Louis obviously winning, but then pulling away.

I'll Make This Feel Like Home {l.s}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن