{Sunday, Sept. 20}

Niall and I went out for breakfast in the morning and invited Gabe to come with us.

I could tell Gabe was hesitant, but he still showed up. Niall on the other hand, I had basically dragged into  here because he was so reluctant to go with me.

I give him one of those bro hugs, and we say hi, but him and Niall just kind of stare at each other and sit down at our round table.

A waiter comes over and takes our drink order, then leaves. I finally break the awkward silence by saying, "Gabe what do you plan on doing while you're in town?"

Before Gabe can answer, Niall interjects in a voice sounding like he's impersonating Gabe's accent. "You know the usual. Ruin a couple people's lives, blackmail some innocent mother fuckers, kick a few puppies. All in a day's work really, thanks for asking."

"What's this guy's problem Harry?"

Niall yet again answers for someone else and says, "Oh maybe just the fact that you tried to send a poor twenty-three year old teacher to jail for the rest of her young life so you could have the satisfaction of knowing you ruined someone's life. What exactly did you want out of it? I know it couldn't have just been the money. Five thousand pounds isn't that much at all. You're just a psychotic little son of a bitch that wants to make peoples' lives miserable and watch people suffer."

"Niall-" I try to be quick to respond in order to avoid someone taking my spot to speak again, but Gabe is quicker and cuts me off.

"I knew it was going to be a mistake coming to this breakfast. I've changed. I'm not who I used to be and maybe if you gave me a chance to prove that, you wouldn't be creating such a dramatic scene in this poor small diner." He pauses as we look to see everyone here has stopped eating and is watching this whole shit show go down. "So thanks for nothing Niall. Some people really don't change. You still are only so concerned about yourself and making sure that you look good and in the right, that you won't take a chance to see how others around you are trying to make their own lives right."

"Go fuck yourself Gabe," Niall spits in his face before storming out of the diner. He leaves Gabe and I sitting in shock in an almost silent room.

I can feel my face is hot with the embarrassment I feel from the scene that was just created.

"Sorry about that Harry."

"He'll come around. It's fine."

"I don't think he will. But it's okay because I don't need him in my life."

"Well he's my best friend, so I kind of do."

"That's okay that you lot are friends. Doesn't mean I have to be friends with him. Should we order some food now or do you just want to get out of here and never show our faces in this place again?"

"I'm starving so let's get something to eat, then we can never show our faces here again."

"Sounds good to me."


We walk out of the diner laughing about something, and then he asks, "What should we do today. That is, if you still wanna hangout and all."

"Want to go to see a movie?"

"Yeah sure. What movie?"

"Let me check um, oh here. Love, Simon starts at noon, so if we're quick, we can probably catch that one."

"Let's do it."

We drive to the nearest theater and he pays for our tickets. He also tries to pay for the snacks too, but I don't let him.

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