After about 25 minutes of driving, we arrive the rink.

"I know I probably shouldn't be saying this now, but I've kind of never been ice skating before. Is it anything like skateboarding?"

"No Lou I don't think so," I say with a laugh, "but don't worry, I'll teach you how."

We walk into the building and rent our skates.

I tie mine up, then look over to Louis who seems to be struggling to lace them.

"Need some help with that?"

"If you don't mind. Why are the strings so fucking long?"

I just laugh and quickly fasten his shoes, and we hobble over to the ice.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Harry?"

"You'll do great, just hold onto me. I won't let you fall. And if you do fall I guess we're going down together."


"This is bullshit," Louis huffs after I have to catch him from slipping for probably the fortieth time.

"Keep trying you'll get the hang of it. Do what I do. Push off with your right, then your left. Right, left. See?"

"Can we take a hot chocolate break?"

"Fine. But then you're trying again."

"Whatever you say, Curly."

"Two hot chocolates please," Louis says to the lady at the concession stand.


Louis looks at me and I nod my head.

"Just on one of them please," he asks her.

After we sit down with our cocoa, I ask Louis, "What kind of insane person doesn't put marshmallows in their hot chocolate?"

"They're literally just balls of mushy sugar. There's not much about them to like."

I laugh and sip my drink, making sure to get some marshmallows in my mouth.

Louis rolls his eyes. "Nasty."

We finish our cocoa, and I ask, "Round two?"

We walk onto the ice, hand in hand, and continue to skate around.

"Do you think you're starting to get the hang of it," I ask him. He hasn't slipped in awhile.

"Yeah definitely, but let's just pretend I still suck because I don't want to let go of your hand."

I feel myself blush and we continue skating.


"That wasn't that bad, was it," I say once we're back on the road, giving Louis a playful nudge.

"So was that our first date?"


"I don't know, was it?"

"I would say so," he starts. "Now what do you want to do?"

"You want to do another thing?"

"Sure why not? We've still got the whole rest of day ahead of us. It's only four o'clock."

"What if we just like played burning questions," I ask.

"What's that?"

"If there's something you've been dying to ask me, you get ask it. And I can't refuse to answer. It's like truth or dare, minus the dare."

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