

"Haz wake up."

I open my eyes and see Louis hovering over me. I blink a few times then take in my surroundings.

"Harry are you okay?"

"Fuck my head hurts. What happened?"

"Well I don't really know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Well all of a sudden while we were partying, then you topple over into my arms and you're like lights out. I freak out and Liam calls a taxi to take us to the hospital-"

"Hold on. You guys called a fucking taxi to take me to the hospital? Why not an ambulance?"

"Well we were drunk and even so, medics would have had to come pick up underage drunk boys out of a club. It made more sense in the moment. Anyways, me, Niall and Zayn sat in the back with you laid out across us, and Liam sat in the front trying to be all nice and friendly to our driver so he didn't freak out and call the cops on us. On the way to the hospital, you opened your eyes, obviously alive and breathing so Liam told the taxi guy to actually take us back to the cabin. I'm assuming now you don't remember waking up in the taxi right?"

"I kind of do now that you say it, but it seemed more like a fever dream than anything else. Did you guys just take me into bed then and leave me here after all that then?"

"We probably seem like shitty friends but yeah that's sort of what happened. I actually have been sitting here waiting for you to wake up, but everyone else called it quits about three hours ago."

"Wait what time is it now?"

"Let's see, it's uh... four a.m."

"Holy shit when did we leave the club," I ask, finally sitting up in bed.

"It was only like eleven. And we got back to the cabin at about twelve after turning around from the hospital. After an hour of sitting with you, the other three went to bed and I said I'd stay with you. I was going to give it another ten minutes probably until I tried to wake you up again."

"Are you still drunk Louis?"

"Kinda, why?"

"If I'm not waking up, why the fuck are you guys not taking me to a hospital?"

"Well you're alive and well and I'm not very well, I'm actually about to crash into the wall so I think I'll sleep now that I know you're alive," he murmured as he climbed into bed.

"Thanks for waiting up for me then, drunk or not I appreciate your semi-concern for my wellbeing. I don't think I passed out from alcohol consumption, so what the fuck happened to me?"

"Do you usually get low blood sugar or anything like that?"


"Hmm. As much as I hate to say it, you might've gotten roofied."

"Like drugged roofied?"

"Yeah. Did you leave your drink alone at some point?"

"Oh. Yeah I think I did while we were doing shots."

"I'm sorry I should have warned you about that kind of stuff before we went out. This is my fault."

"No it isn't. I'm fine now. If you hadn't gotten me out of there, it could have been much worse, so thank you for that."

"Anytime Curly. Now sleep with me," he sighs as he lifts up his arm. I climbed underneath it and cuddled myself up against him."


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