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"What? No they didn't."

"Harry look at your top, then look at my bottoms. My top and your bottom?"

"Holy shit they did. I still have to go style my hair, so I'll be right back."

"Wait, no I like how it is!"

"Lou I look like I just got out of bed. My curls are unruly. Let me at least fix it over to the side a little or something to give me some justice."

I get out of the bathroom and I ask, "Do you think they matched all five of us together?"

"I bet they're downstairs right now if you want us to go check."

We walk downstairs and sure enough, none of them are wearing the vibrant baby blue that Louis and I have on.

"I can't believe you guys," Louis says once he realizes this.

"We figured that since we're going clubbing, no one else will try and hit on you guys if you're all matchy matchy," exclaims Niall.

"So then what? The rest of you are all in a threesome," Louis asks, nudging Liam.

"Where do you even come up with this shit mate," Liam asks, rolling his eyes.

"If Harry and I are matching so everyone knows we're a couple, then you guys must be matching for the same reason."

"Maybe we are," says Niall before licking across Zayn's cheek.

"Ew what the fuck Niall?"

"Yeah what the fuck Niall? He's mine," says Liam before he licks the other cheek.

"Hate to interrupt you love bugs, but we should probably get in the car now," I say.

"Our Uber's status says two minutes," states Liam. We got an Uber because no one wanted to have to be designated driver tonight. I guess everyone plans on getting absolutely wasted.

We all go outside and sure enough, our Uber pulls up just minutes later. But then I realize that it doesn't look like any other Uber.

"Liam did you call a limo to pick us up?"

"Yeah I figured the five of us would fit better in a limousine rather than a regular old car."

"Just go along with it," Louis whispers into my ear and leads me to the car.

Wordlessly, the driver takes off to our destination once we all get inside the black stretch.

"Woah they've got champagne back here," Zayn exclaims as he starts to pop open a bottle.

"Don't get too comfortable. It's only like a thirty minute drive," says Liam ironically as he kicks up his feet and relaxes.

Zayn still proceeds to pour five flutes of champagne and in no time, we've finished off the bottle.

Louis turned on a footie game on the television that also just happened to be in the vehicle.

While we all watch the game, Liam opens a compartment, revealing a ton of snacks. Obviously everyone goes totally nuts.

I notice a remote sitting by me, click a few buttons, then my chair turns into a massage chair. I show everyone else the feature as well.

The limo pulls up to the club and parks, and we all audibly groan.

"Seriously? We're here already," complains Niall.

"Don't worry, the party's just getting started," Liam assures us.

We finally exit our fancy ride, and the ground outside is shaking from the volume of the music.

Liam tips our driver generously, and we start walking towards the door of the club.

Liam stops us by saying, "What do you think you guys are doing? We can't waltz in the front door like we own the place! We gotta go in the back if you don't want to get tossed out."

"Sorry big guy," Louis laughs at him and we follow Liam around back.

We finally enter, and it's overwhelming. There's people in every spot I look, which seems odd for a Tuesday evening. Louis must take note of the panic that takes over my face and he reaches for my hand and grasps it.

The other three fan out, so Louis and I decide to hit up the bar.

Louis orders a vodka tonic, and orders me some fruity drink that he says I'll like.

I take a sip and decides it tastes like cough syrup, but continue to drink it anyways.

A few drinks in, Louis asks me, "Want to dance with me baby?"

I nod and he pulls me to the dance floor. Some shitty electronic club music is blaring, but we make the most of it.

We move along to the beat. Louis is standing behind me and he just starts grinding his hips into my bum.

I stick my bum out and rub back against him. He puts his hands on either side of my hips to keep me still.

"I'm in control here, not you," he says into my ear. He then brings his mouth to the back of my neck and sucks a love bite.

He starts grinding his hips again, and we dance like that for a little longer. If that's even called dancing.

A minute or so later, the song changes, and we head back to the bar and sit down in the barstools.

I take a sip of my new drink, then Louis says, "Wait save that for later, let's do shots!"

I notice that the other three have found their way over to us, and we order five shots.

I quickly down whatever nasty shit Louis just ordered for us, but through all the yelling and cheering, Louis says we should do more shots.

After four more shots, I decide to continue on with my drink I had saved.

I feel a little woozy and light-headed, but that's just from the shots. Also probably from the smell of sweat and liquor that reeks in this building.

I notice that I also have sweat dripping down my forehead, but I'm not that hot. I actually feel really cold.

I realize that everyone in the club has stopped talking, and the music has stopped. Then I look around and notice that everyone's mouths are still moving.

Panicking, I look around for Louis. I catch his eyes, and they're the last thing I see before everything goes black.


Word count: 1034

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