{Tuesday, Sept. 29}

Harry's POV

I wake up to an empty bed. I feel a stinging in my wrists, reminding me of what happened last night.

New Text Message: Loubear :) (2:26 a.m.)

L-had to get home to lottie. text me when you're awake. sleep well love, and don't forget how strong you are

(7:19 a.m.)

H-it's okay, i understand. do you think you could come over today or do you have to watch your sister? it's ok if you can't.

L-i can come over babe. be there in 30. and also, you should change those bandages. do you want help?

H-i can do it but thx

I slump out of bed and run the water to the shower.

I take the wraps off and hop in the shower. When the water first hits my arms, I cringe from the burning feeling that comes over my body.

My mind begins to wander in the shower.

Flashback: 8:45 p.m. last night

Niall leaves my house after sleeping over the night before.

He stayed over for most of the next day too, and I decide to take this free time to get in some school work that I've been pushing off.

My studies are interrupted by a knock at the front door.

I walk down the stairs and answer the door.


"Hey son. How's it going?"

"Uh good? Why are you here?"

"I just missed your voice bud, wanted to hug you too. Wow you've gotten so tall. It's been so long."

Not allowing him to get the chance to hug me, I back up and say, "Yeah erm, it's been over a year."

He must take that as an invitation to walk inside. "Well tell me how you've been. What have you been up to?"

"I mean I'm taking some advanced placement classes and stuff so that's cool."

"Oh I'm so proud of you."

He should have already known this considering my Mum has told him about me. He just never comes over like this. He's always stayed a safe distance.

"Thanks Dad. Um, what about you?"

"Well I kinda got fired from my job, but it's okay cause I'm gonna get a new one."

He's slurring his words so much and he's obviously drunk.

"I'm really... sorry that happened Dad."

"No don't worry about it a bit. Tell me more about yourself. Still friends with that Niall? I always liked him."

"Ha yeah he's still my best mate."

"Good, good how about we sit down on that couch over there?"

I'm sort of scared to argue, so I just walk over there. We sit next to each other and I can smell the stinginess of the alcohol on his breath.

"How's you're Mum doing?"

"Good, she uh got a new boyfriend. He's nice." I shouldn't have said that god damnit.

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