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"Knowing Niall he's going to go tell everyone about what he just walked in on," I say, putting my face in my palms.

"No he won't. He knows better. Is he really going to embarrass himself like that?"

"Well we're gonna find out soon enough."

"Not too soon. I'm not going downstairs yet and feeling that humiliation when I go by Niall. At least let the tension simmer down a bit."

"What a cock-blocker," Louis says, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah I was planning on giving you a pretty good blowjob."

Louis' eye go wide and says, "Who says we have to wait?"

"You see Lou, my cock has been blocked. Plus it's like three thirty in the fucking afternoon. At least wait till night when everyone is asleep. Or at least in their beds so we won't be interrupted again."

"Yeah yeah whatever I guess I can wait."

"You sure you're going to make it," I ask sarcastically. "I know it's going to be so so hard for you to have to wait that long."

"You're right Harold, it is quite hard. And long."

I roll my eyes at him and laugh.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Hide up here all you want but I need food," Louis says, standing up.

"Wanna bring me something to eat too?"

"Whatever you say princess."

Louis comes back upstairs with two sandwiches, and hands one to me.

"Lucky for me, Niall is nowhere to be found. I think he's traumatized."

"Poor Niall. Well it's his fault for not knocking though."

"He was bound to find out at some point right?"

"I guess, but that was really soon. We didn't actually start technically dating until yesterday."

"Harry that reminds me, why do you want to keep us a secret?"

"What? I don't I-"

"You obviously do. I mean you haven't actually told any of the boys about us, except like Niall but as far as I know that was only when I sent him that text on your phone. Hell I think he already knew so I don't know why you're so upset about him coming in. I get that it's embarrassing but I think your more caught up on the fact that he knows we're a thing rather than being walked in on while getting down and dirty. And you seem embarrassed to say we're more than friends to even your own Mum. I don't get it Harry. Are you embarrassed of me or something?"

I'm speechless. And when I don't respond, Louis continues to ramble on.

"And this was also something that I talked to Liam about when we were at the gas station. He thinks the same thing. All of our dates have been either far from home where we won't see anyone we know, or places where we're guaranteed to be all alone. I just don't get it."

All I can manage to ask him is, "You told Liam about us?"

"Harry that's so beside the point. You're not seeing the bigger picture here. You don't want to be seen with me and it's breaking my heart."

"That's not beside the point! I never said you can tell him."

"I don't need your fucking permission to talk to my best friend. Please, you never even met the guy until today. And you were asleep when they were all introducing themselves to him and getting to know him."

"Actually you do need my permission because I'm in this relationship too, and I get a say on who knows and who doesn't. It's my personal business."

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