We managed to sleep the rest of the day away. I wake up and see that the clock reads 11:30 p.m. and Louis is sleeping.

I'm really worried about him, sleeping this much I mean.

He must wake up from me moving around and he asks, "What's the time?"

"Like eleven. Did you sleep that whole time?"

"Yeah. Longest I've slept all at once in days."

"Wait what do you mean? Haven't you been sleeping all weekend?"

"Not for more than an hour at a time. I've been laying awake here since I moved in actually."

"Why can't you sleep?"

"My mind's so loud it won't leave me in peace."

"Oh. Well sorry if I woke you up then. I'll just go into my room," I say, getting up.

I walk across the hall to my room and right away I notice someone's already sleeping in my bed.

Next, I remember Lottie wasn't sleeping in the air mattress next to Louis' bed.

Not wanting to wake her and take her back to her own room, I silently leave her in my room and go back into the hallway.

I'm still feeling under the influence of sleep, and I don't know whether to go sleep on the couch or rejoin Louis.

He's probably asleep. Then again he said he could never sleep. Then again again he told me he could only sleep when he was with me.

But he also said he doesn't need help right now. Unless that was just his way of telling me that he doesn't need me anymore.

By now I'm sitting outside his room with my back against his door. It feels eerie out here with it being almost midnight and I just woke up from a nap.

The eerie feeling reminds me of the time Louis came in our room at the cabin that night he left after dumping me. I had also just woken up, but he had been confessing to me how broken and sorry he was. Maybe I'm breaking him.

But wouldn't everything be worse if he was still living with his dad? I remember what Zayn said about him just needing to get comfortable living here, and he'll come around.

Why am I even considering whether or not I should sleep with him? We slept together the whole week in the cabin.

And my Mum must have realized we were both sleeping in there after neither of us came to dinner. Why would she mind anyways? It's not like he can get me pregnant.

Now I'm laughing at how stupid I sound and just walk into his room. I overthink too much.

"Lou Lou, are you awake?"

"Course I am. Back so soon?"

"Yeah my bed is a bit occupied."

"I was wondering where she was." I'm still standing over him, and haven't actually got into bed yet. So he continues, "Are you just going to loom over me like an idiot or you going to get in bed?"

I scoff at him and get under the covers. I quickly fall back asleep, but not before I make sure Louis has fallen asleep.


{Tuesday, Oct 20}

I wake up at my normal time to go to school, and notice Louis isn't in bed. I walk into the hall and hear Louis singing in the shower. I smile I walk into my room.

"Lottie, wake up time for school."

She's stubborn to get up, but I finally manage to get her up and moving.

After getting dressed I go back into Louis' room to grab my phone. I see Louis's getting dressed so I ask, "are you going to school?"

"Yeah I actually got a substantial amount of sleep last night so I think I'll manage a day of school."

"Alright do you want Niall to drive us or do you want to drive?" Yesterday, Niall drove Lottie and I.

"I can drive us."

"Okay I'll let him know."

"Harry, can we put some concealer on my face please?"

"Yeah sure. My Mum has some I'll be right back."

We finish getting ready, then get into the car.

"So," I start. "I wasn't going to bring this up unless you started feeling better, but tomorrow is my Mum's birthday. I was thinking about maybe doing something special."

"Absolutely we can! Sorry we weren't able to plan something sooner."

"There's still time."

"So what were you thinking?"

"Definitely something small, it can just be us four plus Robin. Hopefully he wasn't planning on doing something but I'll ask him."

"Yeah that'll work. After school I can take us to the mall or something and we can get her a gift."

"Can I come too," asked Lottie from the backseat

"Considering we're your only ride home, I'd say you have no choice but to come with us."

"Not true. I could take the bus like I have been most of the year."

"And do you really want to do that? Cause I wouldn't be surprised if you came home crying about someone spilling chocolate milk in your hair."

I see her pout and cross her arms through the rear view mirror.

With that, we pull into the school.


We get home from the mall much later than I would have wished. It took forever for me to decide on what to get her, but after endless browsing Louis and I settled on this one gift. It's a necklace with an amethyst, opal, and tanzanite on it for mine, her's and Gemma's birthstones.

Louis said it was really pretty and that she'd like it, so I took his word for it.

We're not going to talk about how much it costed considering we had to have them custom make it for us. Plus we requested it be done while we were there, so that also costed a bit.

I came prepared though. We also discovered during our shopping trip that Louis' dad shut off his card, but Louis said he expected him to do that at some point in time.

I had also called Robin to let him know of our plans, and he was more than happy to let us know he'd be showing up to the party. 

We're instantly met by my Mum at the door.

"Now where have you three been?"


Word count: 1062

the pregnant thing was not foreshadowing lol this isn't mpreg

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