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I must have fallen back asleep because once I open my eyes back up, Zayn is now driving. It's also fully bright outside.

I look behind me to see the back seat full. Niall is on the left, Louis is in the middle, and I'm assuming the person to the right is Liam.

"Well look who decided to join the party," Louis says.

"Oh please Tommo, that was no party. You wouldn't let us talk," Liam shoots back at him.

"Can't wake up his sleeping angel," Laughs Niall.

"I didn't even realize any of you got in the car," I say, still dreary.

"Well you slept for almost two hours," says Zayn.

"So you all just met Liam and didn't say a word to him," I ask.

"No," Louis starts. "We actually stopped at his house for like 20 minutes. We figured you'd be awake by the time we came back in the car but nope. So we decided we'd better keep moving."

"Well in that case, Hi Liam, I'm Harry."

"Finally meeting the mystery man. I'm honored," Liam says, seemingly sarcastically. He continues, "We can hit this gas station up here, get snacks, use the bathroom and whatever and then I can drive the rest of the way."

"Sounds fantastic, but Harry your ass is getting back here I'm not sitting crammed in the back for one more second than I have to," Niall protests.

"But my legs, they're so l-"

"Too bad. My turn for leg room."

Zayn pulls into the next gas station and we all get out to stretch our legs.

Liam and Louis leave presumably to get food, Zayn fills the tank, and I pile my pillow and blanket into the trunk. With all our suitcases, I'm surprised everything fits, but we managed.

Louis' POV

"What kind of crisps," Liam asks me.

"Definitely salt and vinegar. My favorite."

I grab a pack of m&m's for Harry, Liam grabs some drinks and we get in line.

"So before we do this whole things with your friends, is there anything I need to know? Like topics to steer clear of?"

"Not sure I know what you mean."

"I don't want to upset anyone while we're there considering I'm like the outcast of the group you know," Liam says nervously.

I can understand him being nervous. I was too when I first started hanging out with the lads, but they're easy to get on with.

"Here's one thing. Niall and Zayn don't really know about Harry and I dating, or that we're even a thing, and he wants to keep it that way I guess. In my opinion, Niall already full on knows and shit but whatever. Harry said that Niall just has his suspicions, but he wants to keep it at that. And apparently Zayn has no clue."

"Well what do you want, Louis?"

"If it were up to me I would tell anyone and everyone. But like at least Niall has been Harry's friend for way longer than he was mine. So I guess it's really his decision."

"Have you told him this?"

"Kind of. Like for example, one day during like second period, Harry and I did some uh stuff in my car, and Niall texted Harry afterward and asked what he was 'doing' during that period. We just sent him a picture of me. It was funny at the time, but I think Harry had regretted it. It seems like Niall already knows but he doesn't want to straight-up tell him I guess, I don't know. This was also all before we made it official though."

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