"Looks like it's just going to be raining all day, so not much to do" said Louis looking at the weather app on his phone.

"That's fine can stay in. I just feel like relaxing today anyways."

"Can I paint your nails Harry?"


"They'll look pretty. Please I really wanna," he exclaims giving me those puppy dog eyes that are oh so hard to reject.

"Fine," I say as we walk up to my Mum's room to find some nail polish.

"How about this color blue," he asks me holding the bottle up. The color is so similar to his eyes, making me want to choose it.

"That's good. How about you just paint like one nail on each hand?"

"Nope were painting it all."


Twenty minutes later I have a full manicure. We went a little off script and I have a slightly different shade of blue on each finger, fading from light blue to dark blue. Still reminds me of Louis though.

"Do you like them," he asks me while screwing the cap back onto the last bottle.

"Love them. What now?"

"Well it's about lunch time, so while you let those dry I'll make some food."

We walk downstairs into the kitchen and Louis opens the pantry. "The only thing in here I know how to make is boxed macaroni and cheese so looks like that's what we're having."

"That's fine," I say opening my phone to scroll through my Instagram to pass the time.

"Lunch is served," Louis says in a posh voice, handing me a bowl of mac.

After eating, we decide to watch a movie in my room.

Louis sits up at the top of my bed with his back on the head board while I get the movie ready.

After starting up some sort of action movie, I sit down in between Louis' legs and lean my back against his chest.

I sink down a little lower so he can still see the television, and he starts to run his fingers through my hair.

I smile at his action and close my eyes at the sheer comfort. The constant sound of pattering rain on the window calms me.

"Harry? Movie's over. Wake up sleepy head."

Shit I slept through the whole thing. I roll away from Louis and plop my face into my pillow.

I feel Louis stand up and get out of the bed. Next I feel him picking me up.

"What are you doing?"

"You weren't getting up so I'm getting you up. I wanna do something," Louis says, now holding me bridal style.

"You remind me of a needy new puppy, you know that?"

"In the best way I hope."

"Sure. Well let's do something."

"What do you wanna do then? It's only like two thirty, so we have plenty of time."

"We could always just like, I don't know, sleep?"

"Harry you'll never fall asleep tonight if you sleep away the whole day."

"I feel like I barely slept last night though."

"You were out like a light the minute I got you into bed."

"Sure I was asleep, but I don't feel like I actually rested."

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