We finally arrive, and right when Liam stops the car in the driveway, we all scramble out of the car.

It's raining so everyone grabs their bags and runs into the cabin.

There's four bedrooms, so Louis and I claim one to share, letting the other's have their own rooms.

Louis says that he's going to turn on the hot tub so it starts heating up and I unpack the food we brought into the fridge. Everyone else disappears to their rooms to unpack.

By the time we finished getting situated, it's 1 o'clock.

"What do you guys want to do," asks Zayn.

"Well there's nothing we can do outside at least until the rain passes," says Liam.

"Let's play truth or dare," suggests Niall.

We all agree and sit in the living room. Niall sits on one of the single couches, Zayn sits on the other, and Louis sits between Liam and I on the three person couch.

"I'll go first," starts Zayn. "Niall, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go the rest of the game without eating snacks."

Niall's freezes and stares at the piece of popcorn he was about to bring to his mouth. We all laugh and he rolls his eyes and puts the bowl across the room.

"You're a bitch. Liam truth or dare."


"Biggest fear."

Before Liam can respond, Louis bursts out laughing, obviously already knowing what Liam is about to say.

Once he stops, we're all confused until Liam answers the question.

"You see I have a strange fear of spoons."

"What the fuck Liam," Zayn laughs.

"You asked, I answered. Harry truth or dare?"


"I dare you to switch all of your clothes you're wearing right now... I said all of it... with the person who's last name is closest to yours in the alphabet."

"That's specific but okay." I think for a second and realize that Tomlinson is right next to Styles.

Louis must realize it at the same time, because he pops up out of his seat and says, "Let's go Styles. We'll be right back."

We go to the nearest bathroom, which happens to be very small.

I turn around and take off my top, and throw it behind me. Louis does the same. I put it on and it's pretty tight but I manage.

"I look like I'm wearing a dress Harry."

I turn back to Louis to see him drowning in my hoodie. His fingertips are barley poking out the ends of the sleeves.

I laugh and turn back around to begin taking off my bottoms. Liam made it clear that we had to switch all our clothes so I take off my underpants too.

I toss them to him and he tosses his back. We both turn back around, he looks straight down at where his pants are squeezing to my crotch.

I clear my throat and say, "Alright alright stop drooling. Give me your trousers."

We trade bottoms and I some how squeeze in. Even though my legs are longer, Louis' butt is still squeezed in the clothes I give him.

We finally exit the bathroom and go back to the living room.

Liam has a smug look on his face, but the other two look fairly neutral.

I'll Make This Feel Like Home {l.s}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant