I go home on the bus because Niall had practice that I didn't feel like waiting around for.

I grab a snack out of the fridge and go up to my room to do some homework.

I'm not going to wait to do it until late tonight; I just want to finish it and get some sleep.

My mom won't be home until late anyways so I have the whole night to just relax.

I sit down at my desk and pull out my math homework.

Before I begin, I pull out my phone. Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I search Louis Tomlinson on Instagram.

I find his profile and all that his his bio says is  'December Seventh '

I scroll through his page and see a lot of pictures at parties, with tons of girls and guys. He looks like he was super popular. After I stalk him for a little longer, I decide to get on my homework.

I have a hard time focusing, when all I can seem to think about are those icy blue eyes that stared me down as Louis basically told me to fuck off.

But I push through and finish my work. It's only 7 o'clock, but I get into bed. I'll just lay down for awhile then get some dinner.

{Tuesday, Sept. 8th}

Beep beep beep.

"Alexa, shut up." No way did I just sleep twelve hours. I reach for my phone to make sure it's actually 7 a.m. but my phone is dead. I was on it before I fell asleep, and I guess I never plugged it in.

I grab my charger and hope to get some battery into my phone within the next thirty or so minutes before Niall gets here.


I drag myself into first period, then remember who I share this class with.

My gaze casually shifts over to his seat, and I accidently make eye contact with him.

Shit he probably thinks I was staring at him. He's gonna thing I'm creepy.

I had quickly looked away, but still noticed him roll his eyes.

I know it's probably hard for him to move to a new school as a senior (I'm pretty sure someone said he's a senior.)

The rest of the day goes by fairly quickly, and I see Louis one last time during 8th period - the final period of the day - before the school day is over. I make sure to not stare at him, avoiding a repeat of this morning.

I get a text from my Mum, saying she's going to pick me up from school. I instantly text Niall to let him know I won't be needing a ride from him today.

The last bell rings and I head out to the parking lot to meet my Mum.

"How was school today honey?"

"Fine. How was work?"

"Fine. I was thinking we did something together today. We never get to hang out anymore," She says. We don't because she's always working. How else are we going to get money though, I remind myself.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Maybe I could take you to that bakery up the street and we can get cupcakes?"

"That sounds good. Are we going right now?"

"Sure why not. Do you want to drive? I know you've been wanting to practice. Just don't... like... kill us or anything yeah?"

"Funny Mum. I won't."

We switch seats and I drive us to the bakery. My Mum looks fairly calm, but I'm sweating bullets. I don't know how I'm ever going to get good at driving if I can't overcome these nerves.

I successfully get us to our destination and we walk inside.

"One red velvet cupcake and one chocolate raspberry please," says my Mum to the lady behind the counter.

We take our cupcakes and sit down at a two person table.

"So erm, tell me about how work has been recently," I say to her. I don't know why I fell so awkward talking to her. She's my Mum. But then again, we never do stuff like this anymore.

"It's been hectic, as you probably could have assumed. Had to pick up some extra shifts here, work some overtime there, you know how it is."

"Yeah. Any funny cases?" She used to tell Gemma and I all about the most crazy things her patients have come in complaining about. It never failed to make my older sister and I laugh.

"Actually yeah I do. Some guy came in the office the other day and said something like, 'Superman got hit by a car.' Let me remind you that he came in naked, wearing only a cape and socks.  The he claimed that the FBI implanted something in his brain and now he can't fly. The medical doctors couldn't help him very much, so we sent him to a uh, different kind of doctor if you know what I mean."

We both laugh and finish our cupcakes. We make small talk about school and such, then decide it's time to go.

It raining and my Mum says she'll pull the car up to the door. I see the car and I walk out, but am met by someone running in from the rain. They don't see me and then run right into me and knock me over. He falls on top of me and I land on my back. I look up and see Louis has fallen right into me and he now has his hands against the floor on either side of my head. His face holds utter shock.

"O-oh my god I'm so sorry." he starts as he helps me to my feet. "I wasn't watching where I was going and I just ran right into you. I'm such an idiot are you okay?"

"No worries. I'm clumsy anyways, don't sweat it."

We both stand there awkwardly for a second until I say, "I better go, uh my Mum is waiting for me out there. See you around."

He gives me a small wave and I exit to the car. Of all people to come toppling over me on my Monday afternoon, it just had be him.


Word Count: 1044

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