I wake to my alarm I had set for one thirty p.m.

New Text Message: Louis Tomlinson

L-hey harry. i'm really sorry about this morning. i was almost positive you'd still be sound asleep by the time i got back since i left at like seven. i went out to the store to get pancake mix and bacon so i could make us breakfast. i also was grabbing headache meds (we were all out - i checked) for you because i had figured you would have just as bad, if not worse, of a headache as me. again, i'm really sorry and i should have texted you and let you know i was leaving, instead of just ditching you in my house. (8:32 a.m.)

H-call me

Louis must have been stalking his phone upon my reply, because just seconds after I press send, I have an incoming call from Louis.


I expect him to respond with something along the lines of, 'what do you mean hello? You told me to call you.' But instead he says, "Good morning since you left before I got a chance to say it. How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. And I accept your apology, but you shouldn't be the one apologizing."

"What did you do wrong? I'm the one that deserted you."

"Hello? I was being a moody bitch. I just assumed you left me high and dry in your bed, when you were really just waking up early as hell to make me breakfast and get me medicine for a headache I never even had to tell you that I was suffering from."

"I guess you were quick to jump to conclusions, but it's understandable. I know I probably seem like the person to pull some shit like that."

"Like hell you do. I don't think of you like that. Harry on three hours of sleep might, but not me. When did we get home last night anyways."

"Around four maybe closer to four thirty. I'm not entirely sure how or why we went so bloody long but whatever."

"Lord. Well, I have to pack yet another bag to take to Niall's tonight because he wants to hang out."

"Want me to just swing by and drop off the one you packed for staying at mine? That way you won't need to repack."

"I guess that would be helpful, yeah if you don't mind."

"I don't mind. I made breakfast anyways by the way. Want me to bring some of it over for you. You probably haven't eaten yet right?"

What did I fucking do to deserve a friend like this? "That you be amazing, thank you."

"Okay I'll be there in like twenty minutes."


After hanging up, I'm left to wonder why Louis is acting like my guardian angel, or like my knight in shinning armor all of a sudden. Sure he's being all nice and has my back, but it's definitely too good to be true.

It all makes me consider what happened last night and any other times in my drunkenness or while in my high. I wonder if he realizes that I don't remember jack shit from the majority of the time we've spent together. It makes me feel like he's closer with me than I am with him.

Who knows what I've told him? The idea kind of begins to freak me out, so I make a mental note to ask him to give me a recap of our friendship and where we stand. I barely know anything about him, except weary memories of stories he's told me.

He could think we're the best of mates, when I still just see him as the new boy who sparked curiosity inside of me. And all this curiosity has sent me tumbling down this slippery slope of wanting more and more.

All these new things I've been trying have been so exciting to me, but who knows what it's doing to me. I'm not worried about getting drunk or high here and there, but more worried about what kind of secrets I tell and actions I take in my dazed states.

Before my mind can wander any farther, a horn sounds in my driveway, letting me know the man himself is here with my bag and breakfast.

I take the things from his hands and show my appreciation, but leave it at that. I'm not ready to ask him all these burning questions that clog my mind at the moment.

I'd rather have more time and more of an idea of what it is that I actually want to know, because if I'm being honest, I'm still not sure what I want and do not want to know.


Shortly after, Niall arrives and we go to his place.

While we're playing FIFA, I get a phone call. I don't recognize the number, but I tell Niall to pause the game and I answer it anyways.

"Hey it's Harry, who is this?"

"Gabe? We exchanged numbers at the gas station, remember?" Looks like me not remembering things is becoming a trend.

"Oh yeah, duh. Sorry I have a bad habit of not putting contact information for people, that's my bad. What's up."

"It's all good. I was just calling to see if you were free today or maybe tomorrow and we can do something together. You said you would text me but I figured you just got caught up with your friend last night."

"Oh yeah sorry about that. I actually can't today, I'm with Niall, but tomorrow should work."

"Who's that," Niall whisper shouts from across the living room.

"One sec," I say to Gabe and I mute the call. Then to Niall I say, "You remember Gabe Tuffin right?"

"Oh, right."

"Something wrong with that?"

"What? No, it's all fantastic. Did he move back or something," Niall asks sarcastically

"Let me hang up him then I'll give you the background info." I unmute myself and say, "Okay text me the details, and I'll see you tomorrow, bye."

"So," Niall says once the call has been ended.

"So he's just visiting, but it's for the remainder of this year, so until like December or maybe he said January."

"Wow, he's going to be here awhile huh?"

"What's your problem with him?" I know what his problem is, I was just hoping he forgave and forgot by now.

"I never said I had a problem with him, I'm legitimately just asking simple questions."

"I know you guys didn't get on too well, but give him a chance. It's been awhile and he's had to of changed."

"Easy for you to say. You guys never had a problem with each other."

"If I say I'll let it go, can we stop talking about it and continue our game," I ask him, waving my controller.

"Sure. Just don't surprised when he's all stuck up and pissy when he first sees me alright?"

"Whatever you say."

I understand Niall not liking Gabe. He did blackmail him. Gabe had a picture, or maybe it was a video of Niall snogging our old psychology teacher. I don't know what Gabe wanted in return, but he was threatening to leak the evidence. It all died down with the teacher suddenly resigned from her position and said she had a job at another school. He hasn't really talked about it much, but I have a good feeling Niall simply told her what was going on and convinced her to get the hell out of dodge before shit went down and she went to jail.

Now that I think about it, it was all pretty fucked up. Niall was barely 15 and was obviously a minor.

Just a few weeks after that all went down though, Gabe moved away. I was really sad because him and I were close, but I hadn't found out what he did to Niall until Gabe had already left. I have no right to hate him though because he didn't do anything to me. That's why I'm willing to reconnect with him, but I'm hoping Niall can forgive and forget, because that would make things a lot easier for all of us.


Word Count: 1376

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