{Friday, Oct. 9}

Last day of school until the break.

Asking my mom about going away wasn't as bad as I imagined. She was actually rather fond of the idea of me getting away with my best mates.

I think she's just glad I finally have a group of friends. Not that she doesn't love Niall, but him and I were the only people each other would hang out with before I met the other two.

I just have to get through today, and then I have nine whole days off.

The day drags on forever, but finally it's lunchtime.

"Just saying, I'm spending most of my time there in the hot tub," says Zayn.

"Catch me by the fire," responds Niall.

"Liam told me there's also like canoes and stuff we can take out into the lake that the cabin looks over."

"I can't swim," Zayn remarks.

We all laugh and I say, "We can find you a life jacket don't worry."

We continue on talking about our trip. We're going to be staying for seven days, and we plan on leaving super early Saturday morning so that we still have time tomorrow to spend there, unpacking and such.


The final bell of the day rings, and Louis and I head to his car.

"Here's my plan: we stop at my house, I pack everything I'll need, then we can crash at your house and leave first thing to start picking the other two up."

"Don't you like staying with Lottie on Friday's now though," I ask. At least last Friday he went home to her.

"That was just because she called and asked me to be with her. I talked to my dad about our trip and made sure that he would watch her while I'm gone and take her wherever she needs to go until I get back and stuff."

"Oh okay, then yeah we can stay at my place."

We make a quick stop at Louis' and he says one last goodbye to his sister.

At my house we eat some pizza that my Mum ordered, I pack up bag, and Louis and I crash into my bed.

It's about eight o'clock by the time we finish everything, but we want to get to bed kind of early since we want to pick up Zayn and Niall by 6:15 a.m.

Since it's a bit over three hours away, that'll get us there before 10 a.m. and we'll be able to get situated in our new home for the week.

Lights off, Louis and I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling and he says, "I don't know about you Haz, but I'm worn the fuck out."

"Long week?"

"To say the least. Are you not this tired?"

"I went to bed pretty early last night so not really."

"I couldn't sleep because I had a two hour nap under my belt. Was really tired after school yesterday."

"Well, hopefully you can get some good rest tonight," I say reaching out to grab his hand.

He interlaces his fingers with mine, and makes circles with his thumb on the back of my hand. It makes my heart beat ever so slightly faster.

We resume the comfortable silence, and the steady sound of Louis' breathing is starting to put me to sleep.

My dreariness is interrupted when he says my name into the darkness.



"Willyoubemyboyfriend," he asks, quickly, all in one breath. His grip on my hand tightens a little.

I'm taken by surprise, but if I'm being honest, I've been fantasizing of the day that he actually asks me this. I just wasn't expecting it to be right now as I'm about to fall asleep.

I realize that I haven't actually responded when he starts, "I uh understand if it's too soon I just- "

I cut him off by putting my lips on his.

After quieting him down, I say, "I'd love to be your boyfriend."

Even though it's dark, I can tell he's smiling so big.

Then he says, "Good because you were quiet for a little too long there and that would've been kind of awkward if you said no."

"Sorry, just was trying not to scream in excitement and freak you out. Had to compose myself."

We both laugh and he pulls me back in for another kiss, this time a more heated one.

His hands slip under my shirt and I put a hand in his hair.

I pull away and climb off of him, and give him one last kiss on his jawline.

I cuddle up under his arm and he squeezes me closer to him. I doze off to the thoughts of what the week may have in store for me.


{Saturday, Oct. 10}

I hate the sound of Louis' alarm. It's such an awful noise to be the first thing you hear is the morning. Sort of sounds like a purge is starting. But anyways it makes me cringe.

Louis reaches over to end the alarm and does his little morning stretch. I've noticed that he hates getting up in the morning.

Me on the other hand, I feel pretty awake already.

I hop over so that I'm hovering over top of him and say, "Good morning sunshine."

"Cheeky Harold. Morning."

Since it's only 5:40 a.m., it's still dark outside, so turn on my light. It appears to be a big mistake.

"Oi what the fuck Harry? I could see just fine before. Fuck my eyes are going to fall out."

"Oh please don't be so dramatic, we need to get moving anyways."

"Not until you make it dark again," Louis says in a muffled voice since his head is now underneath his pillow.

"You're not an owl, you need to wake up because you're driving the first hour to Liam's house."

Louis groans and tumbles out of bed.

I laugh and shake my head. "Get the stuff into the car, I'm going to take a quick rinse before we get on the road."

After I get out of the shower, I send a quick text in our group chat letting them know we're about to leave. 

I grab a jacket, my travel blanket and pillow, and the money off the counter that my Mum left for me. She told me to use it for food and whatever activities we decide to do.

I meet Louis in the car, noticing that he already had turned on the heater.

Regardless, I bundle myself up next to him and we head off to pick up the boys.


Word Count: 1105

I'll Make This Feel Like Home {l.s}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora