"Glad you guys could finally make it," Niall says as I stumble in the door, "Looks like you might've finished it all by the looks of Harry," they laugh.

Louis walks in behind me, sets the beer on the counter, along with the vodka. "Happy birthday big boy," he calls over to Niall. His birthday is technically tomorrow but celebrating on a Saturday just seemed more fun in our opinion.

"We saved plenty for you lot, so no need to worry about that," Louis says gesturing towards the bottle. There's only like a sixth of it gone.

We walk over to the living room and I drop onto the couch.

"What'd you do to the boy Louis," Zayn asks, looking a bit worried.

"I feel great! Now let's do something," I say before Louis can speak for me.

"Harry I forgot something in the car, want to be a dear and come get it with me?" Louis shoots me a stern look and I follow him outside.

"How you feeling?"

"Fine, why?"

"You don't look fine. Look I'm sorry I made you drink that shit. I shouldn't have done that I just really-"

"Louis! It's fine, I'm fine. You didn't make me do anything."

"You don't look fine. Want me to take you home?"

"No I feel fabulous. Now what did you need help getting."

"You're drunk after two sips of vodka. I'm impressed."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind, let's go inside."

We walk back inside and into the living room to find Niall setting up Twister.

"Since there's four of us, we'll be in teams. Louis and Zayn on a team, and I'll be with Harry."

Zayn explains that we're going to go against someone from the other team, to see who can last longer twisted together on the mat. We decide to have Zayn and Niall face off, then me and Louis.

As they take their turns, I go back to the kitchen to grab the alcohol. I take another long sip on the way back and try to get used to the feeling.

I walk back in and see that Niall didn't last very long and he fell down. Now I have to go against Louis, which should be easy since I have long limbs and well... him, not so much.

"Harry, right hand on blue."

I groan and bend down to place my hand on the floor, being sure to not touch and elbows, knees, or my bum to the floor. Otherwise I'll lose.

"Louis, left foot on green."

He does as he's told.

"Harry, left hand on yellow."

Now I have both hands on the floor, bent over.

"Louis, right foot on blue."

"This is so unfair," I say, "Why is he still just standing?"

"It's how the game works Harry," Louis says with a laugh.

"Harry, right foot on green."

I back up my body a bit to find a green circle, but as I do so, my bum knocks into Louis' crotch. Right when this happens, I feel him tap, or rather smack my ass and I gasp.

Everyone laughs hysterically, including myself. I also feel my face instantly flush.

"Louis, right foot on blue."

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