I get out of my skinnies because my legs are suffocating.

I clean myself up a fix my hair even though I'm in my pajamas, (because why not) and I head down to the living room.

Just as I get downstairs, I hear my doorbell ring.

I open it and welcome Louis inside. He's wearing black Adidas sweatpants with the white stripes down the leg and a yellow Champion crewneck. I'm glad he didn't dress nice, because I sure didn't. I'm wearing Christmas pajamas in September.

We sit on the couch and I turn on a film. I turn to Louis to make an attempt of a conversation, otherwise this is going to be an awkward time. I know that we've like talked and stuff before but this is our first time actually hanging out in person, just one on one.

"How has your first couple days at this new school been?"

"Eh it's been alright. But it should be easy to blend in here."

"Why would you want to blend in?"

"I've never really been the 'new kid' before and I don't wanna draw all that attention to myself. I just want to be treated like I've always been here. No need for some fancy inauguration. But I won't lie, I do appreciate you and your friends asking me be a part of your group."

"Yeah s'no problem. Our group is really just Niall and I. Always has been until that day you got here. I guess him and Zayn got paired up for something in their French class and now Niall brought him into our group."

"Oh really? You all seemed like you've known each other for years."

"Nope, Zayn actually just moved here last year so he probably understands what you're going through." Going through, man I need a brain to mouth filter or something.

"Erm, yeah. I guess so."

"I'm sorry I keep saying dumb stuff I'm just nervous. While I'm on the topic of dumb stuff though, do you want to tell me why you got upset when I asked about your old friends?"

"It's just a sensitive subject for me but I can tell you Harold. Basically I had this one friend that I grew up with and he was always there for me through all my years in school, but before I left we got into this big fight, over something that I did, and he hasn't spoke to me since."

"Have you tried to contact him at all?"

"Yep, but he ignores all my texts and calls. I'm hoping he'll get over it, but if I were him I would also have a hard time trying to forgive something like that."

"Can I ask what you did? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."


Flashback: 6 weeks ago

Louis' POV

"I'm not sure this party is such a good idea mate"

"Oh give it a rest Liam. Live a little! We can't just skip the biggest party of the year"

Every year there would be a party that was held the last weekend before the new school year started up, and I knew this would be the last one I went to. I'm moving away and Liam knows it, so I don't know why he wants me to pass up the chance to party in my hometown one last time.

"I guess you're right but listen to me. I'm not trying to be your Mum, but I know how you get so don't over do it tonight. There's gonna be a lot of alcohol there, but that doesn't mean you have to finish it all."

"Yeah, yeah I hear you. White top or black top?"

"Black. If you puke or get a drink spilled on you it won't show up as much."

I throw on the top and a pair of black skinnies with holes in the knees and some white high-top converse. I style my hair how I like it and we head off to the party.

Liam is designated driver as always, and we pick up a few people on the way there. Once we arrive I can already hear the loud music from outside the house. I shouldn't even call this a house. It's a mansion.

Before we enter, Liam reminds me of what he said earlier, but now I know I should have just listened to the man.

I grab my first drink and start to dance with some random people. One person I recognize is Liam's girlfriend, Sarah, who is dancing awfully close to Liam.

I finish my drink and head over to get another, then continue to dance.  Some blonde girl comes over to me and whispers something in my ear but I don't understand what she said. Between the loud music and yelling and the amount of alcohol we both had, I can't figure out what she said. Nonetheless she takes my hand and we go upstairs. I knew where this was going to go but I was too drunk to care.

We go into some random bedroom and start to take off our clothes, all the while making out. But once we're under the sheet of the bed, the door slams open.

"What in the bloody hell is going on here? Oh my God Louis."

Before I can respond to him I rush over to the bathroom that is inside this luxurious bedroom and vomit. My head is now pounding and I feel like I'm spinning in circles. The lights get really bright then suddenly go out.


"Louis, Louis wake up now. Louis!"

"I'm up, I'm up what's the fuss?"

"Do you have any idea what you fucking did last night?"

"Yeah? Just some dancing then some cute blonde took me upstairs. Would've had a good shag but someone came in. Then I... Well I guess I don't really remember what happened after that but-"

"Louis you tried to fucking shag my girlfriend. My girlfriend, Louis."

Fuck. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh is right. Don't speak to me Louis. Don't come by my house, don't message me," Liam begins to shed a few tears, "I'm glad you're moving. I hope you're happy. You can find your own ride home too."

End of flashback


Word Count: 1046

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