{Monday, Oct. 12}

I wake up, and Louis happens to wake up at about the same time. He seems to have found his way all on top of me at some point last night.

"Morning love," he says in his raspy morning voice. I'll never not get butterflies from that.

"Good morning," I say with a kiss to his cheek. "What time is it?"

He reaches for his phone and says, "eleven."

"So I thought of something," I say. "You were covering my mouth last night, telling me to be quiet right?"

"Yeah, and?"

"You didn't want to wake anyone."

"Where is this going?"

"Yet you came with basically a scream for everyone in the house to hear."

"Heat of the moment I guess."


"Too late to do anything about it now," he says giving my bum a light tap and climbing out of bed. "You go get yourself some breakfast, I'll meet you down there after I call Lottie."

I go downstairs, grab a bagel, and join Zayn, Liam, and Niall at the table.

"What were you guys thinking for today," I ask the lot.

"Last time I came here, we went skydiving, so we were thinking we'd check that out," said Liam.

My fear of heights says one thing, but my mouth says another, "sounds fun when should we leave." What the hell Harry?


"The trick is to just go for it! Just jump!"

I look over to the instructor and ask for probably the four-hundredth time, "How do you make the parachute pop out again?"

"Big red strap."

"Harry we're going, come on," Niall shouts as he grabs my hand. Zayn grabs the other and they pull me out wide open door of the plane.

I try to scream things to the people around me, but the air whipping past our ears is making everything too loud.

After our freefall, we all pull our straps to release the parachute.

Safely reaching the ground, I finally call out, "Never make me do that shit again."

"You looked like you were having a blast," Zayn calls back.

"I think you mixed up, 'about to cry in fear,' with, 'having a blast.'"

"Same difference," Liam says while trying to untangle himself from his parachute.


We all drive back to the cabin and I have a hard time staying awake during the ride.

Once we get inside, Niall says, "It's only four o'clock, so we still have time to do something if you guys want to."

"I'm exhausted, so I'm going to take a nap. Then maybe we do something in a bit," I say tiredly.

"I'll join you," Louis says excitedly.

"Good lord. Well Zayn? Liam? What shall we do to remove ourselves from this cavity-worthy sweetness?"

I don't hear what they plan on doing, because I've already reached to top of the stairs. I walk to my bedroom and realize Louis is following close behind.

"Are you even tired," I ask him.

"No, just wanted to come with you."

"I'm not going to be very exciting, considering I plan on being asleep within five minutes," I say, already under the covers.

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