{Wednesday, Sept. 9th}

Ever since the bakery incident, Louis and I haven't interacted at all. The voice in my head keeps telling me to try again, but I freeze up whenever given an opportunity.

My mind keeps flashing back to his wet hair dripping down on me, with his body up against mine. I start to realize how truly nervous Louis really makes me. I don't know why though. I also don't know why I feel the need to try so hard with him.

He made it pretty clear he doesn't want anything to do with me. Plus he doesn't even know me. Hell, I don't even think he's given me another glance in school the entire rest of the week. But then I remember him looking down into my eyes, and my stomach flutters.

I'm met once again with first period, and Louis isn't in his seat. A few minutes go by, and he comes bursting in the door. He keeps his head down, obviously trying to not draw attention, but as usual, everyone is looking at him. He hands a note from the office to the teacher, and goes to his seat.

After everyone turns their head back to the front of the room, losing their interest, I look back at him. I notice that his eyes are rimmed red and his hair is all in disarray. He looks like an absolute mess, and I worry about him.

In fact, I spend the entire rest of the class period trying to think of reasons he could have been late to class looking like he just spent the whole night and morning crying.

Maybe he just woke up late and got yelled at for it.

Or maybe his girlfriend from home or something broke up with him. That would make sense considering he didn't have any pictures with a girlfriend or anything on his Instagram.

I look back over to him and give him a sympathetic look, but he just rolls his eyes, flips me the bird and looks away. I give up. If he's going to be a dick then he can be a dick. I tried and I'm not going to waste my time on him any longer.


It's lunch time and Louis is no where to be found. Not like I was looking for him or anything. I don't care about him anymore. I never really did in the first place, I mean I was just curious. Shouldn't have been though.

"Where's your head at H," asks Niall.

"Just thinking about stuff."

"Sure, sure. So Zayn and I were talking just now and I'm assuming you didn't hear right?"


"Well we were planning to all hang out at my house on Saturday. Like the three of us. Are you in?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."

We all chat for a few more minutes, then I excuse myself to the bathroom.

Our school bathroom has a few urinals, but everyone just uses the stalls. It kinda just became an unspoken rule that you use a stall unless they're all full.

I walk in and I see that there's only one person in here. I do my business and go to wash my hands. I hear a choked sob and I freeze.

"Hello," I call out. No response. I stand in the bathroom a little longer, hoping the person will respond. I've been alone crying in a bathroom stall before, and I would want someone to check up on me too. So that's what I'm trying to do.

I hear the lock to the stall click and none other than Louis Tomlinson walks out.

"Shit I didn't realize someone was still in here. What are you still doing in here?"

"I uh had to use the bathroom."

"Okay but why were you standing here for an extra like five minutes," Louis asks with another sniffle. The area around his eyes are red, like he's been wiping away tears constantly. Then I notice the bruise on his left cheek bone.

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