"Are you ready," Louis asks me. We're both standing outside my front door. I already knew my Mum would be home early today so it works out well.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I respond, opening up the door.

"Hi Harry," my Mum calls from the kitchen. Louis and I walk in there and she exclaims, "Oh what a surprise Louis!"

She walks over and gives us both a hug at the same time.

"Well stay as long as you like, I was just getting dinner started. I can set an extra spot and we can all-"

"Mum," I stop her.

"Yes Harry?"

"We actually have some things to discuss with you. About the other night. Like when Louis had to come over from Doncaster, and he stayed here until like two in the morning or something."

"Oh that night okay, I've been meaning to ask you about that. Well Louis, you're still welcome to stay to eat with us. How about we talk over dinner yeah?"

I open my mouth to object, but Louis speaks faster. "That'd be lovely. Harry do you want to go do our physics homework until it's time to eat?"

"Sure," I say, going along with it and leading the way upstairs.

Once we're in my room I say, "Louis you do realize we don't have homework in that class right?"

"Yeah I just needed to talk to you before we did this," Louis says as he sits on my bed.

I follow and sit beside him. "Okay what do you mean?"

"Well first off, are you doing the talking or am I? I'm fine with being either moral support or giving her the whole story."

"I think we can share maybe?"

"Okay what part do you want me to say? Or do I already know?"

Louis knows that I don't want to repeat those derogatory words my dad used towards me to my Mum. So I just nod and he gets the idea.

He begins to speak again and says, "Another thing is, we're kind of coming out to your Mum too in a way. Well I mean at least we're going to be repeating your father's accusations to her."

"Lou I have a feeling she already suspects it. But either way I know what you mean." I don't think she suspects it. My dad is insane and she knows it. Telling her this story will probably just give her another reason to think he's crazy. Plus she'll be focusing on the him slapping me part of the story rather than the rest of it.

"Good. Glad we're on the same page," Louis says, then pecks my cheek.

We sit in silence for a bit until I speak up and say, "My Mum probably won't have dinner ready for at least another hour or so. Wanna do something. Ya know instead of just sitting here?"

He chuckles and says, "No actually I wanted to just awkwardly sit in silence at the foot of your bed for the next sixty minutes."

"Okay smart ass what do you want to do?"

Before I actually finished my sentence, Louis is taking off his socks and shoes, and proceeds to climb under my covers.

"Nap," is all he says before snuggling his head into my pillow.

I get in next to him, and instead of spooning, he pulls his whole body on top of mine and uses my chest as a pillow.

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