{Monday, Sept. 14}

I wake up and look like a wreck. I barely slept and the bags under my eyes are like purple couch cushions. My eyes are also bloodshot from crying. I debate not going to school and just calling in sick. My mom would have already left for work by now since it's Monday, so I really could.

I'm doing it.

I open my computer and go to my school's website and fill out the sick day form. I text Louis and tell him I don't need a ride to school.

Next, I immediately return to my bed and fall back asleep.


When I wake up again it's two o'clock, meaning I slept another five hours. I feel rejuvenated and go to the kitchen for some breakfast/lunch.

I check my phone and see that I have several texts, all being from Louis.

New Text Message: Louis Tomlinson

L-is your mum taking you? did you guys make up? (7:04 a.m.)

L-or is niall or someone else...? (7:10 a.m.)

L-where are you please don't make me do first period alone (8:02 a.m.)

L-are you staying home sick or something? (9:36 a.m.)

L-sorry for blowing you up if you don't feel good get some rest and text me when you're up. let me know how you are though. i'm worried about you. (10:19 a.m.)

H-yeah i took a sick day sorry for not responding i didn't sleep last night so i slept today instead.

L-but you're not actually sick right?

H-no just a rough night

L-want me to swing by after school?

H-i'd like that

L-z and ni miss you

H- miss you guys, but my bed is pretty nice. how was lunch.

L-it was fine but kind weird without you there

H-oh please i don't even talk at lunch

L-lunch was missing your presence

H-did you at least talk to them or were you all awkward

L-louis tomlinson doesn't know how to be awkward

H-k then. see u after school

L-maybe i just wont come

H-as if

L-i'll be there at 3


Three o'clock swings by and Louis comes over.

We go to the living room, turn on a random film, and sit on the couch. Then he asks, "Why didn't you sleep last night?"

"My Mum got really mad again and she grounded me and took my phone, but she must have put it back in my room before she left for work this morning. But that also means she left for work early to avoid seeing me."

"It really went that bad?"

"Yeah I confronted her about lying to me and stuff and she didn't take it very well."

"Well you did sneak out through your window and ignored her for the rest of the day so I'm not sure what you expected. I think you should just apologize and try to talk things through with her."

"I tried to already but she grounded me!"

"Try again tonight and don't be all confrontational because that's what probably set her off. And speaking of which, if you're grounded, should I even be here right now?"

"Probably not but she won't get home until at least seven tonight so you could stay awhile if you want."

"Okay but if you get in trouble for having me over don't come crying to me. Want me to catch you up on the work you missed today?"

"Yeah sure thanks."


After finishing my work for today, it's 6 o'clock. He's sitting at my desk and I'm laying on my stomach on my bed, propped up on my elbows with my head in my hands

I decide to start a conversation with him so I say, "I think Niall might be cheating on Zoe."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well we went to Jaxson's house the other day and he said he had to stop inside to get like Mary Jane or something. Do you know who that is?"

Louis just stared at me.

"What," I ask.

"You're joking, right?"

"Well Niall doesn't seem like the type to cheat on-"

"Harry do you know what Mary Jane is?"

"Who or what?"

"What. Do you know what weed is?"


"I'm guessing you've never smoked weed before then?"

"Nope I haven't."

"We should."

"We shouldn't"

"Don't knock it till you try it. Where'd you say Niall got his from again?"

"If you don't remember, I'm not telling."

He stands up from the desk and walks over to the edge of the bed and say, "Tell me."

"Make me."

Louis lunges over to me on the bed, pins me down and starts tickling me.

"L-Lou stop please I'm s-so ticklish."

"Good. Tell me who then I'll stop."

"S'bloody torture l-let me go." I continue to flail and scream out giggles under his grip until he he finally takes his hands away from my ribs. Instead, he takes both my wrists with one hand and hold them down over my head.

He look me straight in the eye, panting all the while, and uses his free hand to get all the hair out of my face.

"You gonna tell me now Haz?"

I suck in my bottom lip and bite it, then shake my head, no.

He lightly laughs and rolls his eyes, which I return with a grin, knowing I won.

"You are quite difficult you know that?" And with that he gets off from on top of me, fixes his hair, and returns to his chair by my desk.

"Should I go text Niall and tell him you think he's a cheater, Harry?

"How about instead of trying to blackmail me, you ask him if he's already finished his yet, then maybe he'll share some with you. Or better yet, ask him who he got it from and you can get your own."

"You're brilliant."

"Yeah yeah I know. Not to kick you out or anything but it's almost seven so if you want to get out of here without my Mum catching you, you ought to be on your way soon."

"Okay, and don't forget when you make up with your Mum to be nice about it. She's probably really upset that you're making all the accusations when she's just trying to introduce you to the new man in her life. And if he makes her happy, then that should make you happy too right?"

"Yeah you have a point, but she hasn't had very good luck with guys."

"Give him a chance, don't be bias, but also if something about him is truly off, then protect your Mum."

"I will but seriously leave now before we both get our arse kicked."

"Okay okay I'm walking out the door bye Harold, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Lou."


Word Count: 1128

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