{Thursday, Sept 23}

After eating food with Niall and Louis on Tuesday (and after everything else that happened), we left Louis' house for the night.

Yesterday, my Mum and I spent some time working on our puzzle. She had invited over Robin and we all bonded together. It was actually quite nice.

It's finally seventh period. Just physics after this and I can go home.

New Text Message: Louis Tomlinson

L-what class are you in?

H-study hall what about you?

L-supposed to be in health. meet me in room 97A

H-um isn't that a janitors closet or something?


I get up and ask the teacher if I can use the restroom, trying my best to sound relaxed. I make my way to where Louis told me to meet him, and open up the door.

It's dark, but I can still make out a silhouette of Louis standing inside. He comes over to me, shuts the door behind me, and pushes me up against it.

"You okay?"

I try to nod yes, but lean forward and am too eager to feel Louis' mouth on mine.

"Oh so we're getting right into this, huh," Louis mumbles against my lips.

"Mm," I mutter.

Louis takes more control of the kiss by grabbing my legs and pulling me up. I wrap my legs around him and he walks us over against a shelf instead of the door.

Before we could take it any further, the fire alarm goes off. The fucking fire alarm.

"God damnit," Louis yells as he puts me down. We rush out of the closet and out the nearest door. 


It ended up only being a drill, thankfully, but I'm still pissed that my heated session with Louis got cut short. I was enjoying myself.

We go to physics together, and Louis gets a text from Zayn asking him where he disappeared to during health class, since they sit by each other.

He just told him he had to attend to some top secret business.

The bell rings, sending us home, and Louis offers to take me home.

After a bit of driving, he says, "I have a confession to make."

"Go on."

"Tuesday wasn't our first kiss."

"Wait what? What do you mean?"

"That time we got drunk at Niall's house, and I told you that story about what happened to me at that party. You said in the morning the last thing you remembered was me finishing my story, but that wasn't what ended the night. Before we went to sleep, you snuck a kiss from me. That's what first gave me hope that you might like me. You know they say drunk actions are sober thoughts. But I made sure to keep it an innocent, very quick kiss."

"So that wasn't a dream?"

"Nope, actually happened. Another thing that um happened was when we were high in my car. I don't really remember how it came up but you made some kind of joke saying something along of the lines of 'I want you to suck and blow me.'" Louis says this and my jaw drops to the floor.

I'm about to go all out and apologize profusely, but then I stop myself. Instead I say, "Wouldn't be so bad."

"You were so stoned you could barely open your eyes. If I were to do that, I'd at least want you to be able to watch me deepthroat the living shit out of you," Louis smirks as we pull into my driveway.

"Well um my Mum is actually home but we could just like make a quick detour to your house- or better yet, why wait? The car seems pretty nice right now. We could just climb on back-"

"Harry, no. Not now."


"C'mon, you're home. Wouldn't want to keep your Mum waiting would we?"

"Nope I think she can wait actually."

"Shut up. Plus wouldn't you want a nicer setting than the backseat of my car?" I go to open my mouth to protest, but he places a finger up to my lips, shushing me. "Yes you would, now get inside and I'll see you tomorrow."

I give him a sad look, then go to get out of the car. But he grabs my hand and pulls me over to him. He gives me a simple innocent kiss, then sends me on my way.

No more words are exchanged except I smile uncontrollably at him as I finally step out of the car and he drives away.

I walk into my house and greet my Mum.

"Hi, Mum how was work today?"

"Great. I have some exciting news to share."

"Go on."

"I got promoted!"

"Wow Mum that's amazing. I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you honey. This means I'm not going to have to work the late shift as much. I'll be home for you more often now."

I'm nearly in tears as she says this. She has no idea how happy this makes me.

All I can think to do is pull her in for another big hug.

"I was think we celebrated with a nice dinner. I want you invite your friends too. I haven't met Zayn yet."

I send a quick text to my group chat.

Fooking Four

Harry- mum got promoted and she wants you all to come over to celebrate with us. plus she wants to meet zayn.

Niall- that's awesome we'll be there

Zayn- yes we will. what time?

Harry- tomorrow at like 6. lou r u coming?

Louis- wouldn't miss it for the world :)

I smile at the last text, and let my Mum know that everyone has agreed to come tomorrow.

I lay in my bed and let my mind take me back to the janitor's closet today.

My stomach flutters at the though of him pinning me against a wall and kissing me like it's the last thing he'll ever do. My mind wanders and I fantasize over what all could've happened if not for the fire alarm.

But then I think about how I never really have told people such as my Mum that I'm well, that I'm into guys.

I don't know if that should be some proper thing or if I should just come up to her tomorrow morning and be like, 'hey, I'm gay, have a good day at work.'

Or maybe I'm not gay. Sure I find girls pretty and stuff but I don't think I could ever be attracted to one in that way again.

On the other hand, do I have to make such a big deal out of it? I'm not on my default setting. Too bad society. Deal with it.

Then again I could just be up in my head and making way too big of a deal about it all. I'm pretty impulsive to begin with. Hell, I haven't even talked to Louis about any of this. Maybe he thinks this is all just casual things that teenagers do, I don't know.

At least for now, I want to keep to myself. If this is just some sort of fling or what not, I don't think anyone that I'm close to needs to know except Louis and I.

Word Count: 1208

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