{Wednesday, Oct 21}

I can't believe I fell asleep before I showered.

I quickly get out of bed and Louis says, "Woah, where are you rushing to? Never seen you get out of bed that fast in my life."

"Shower: I smell like sex," is all I say before closing the bathroom door.

I hear him laugh from my bedroom, but all I really care about is washing off.

I get out of the shower and Louis is gone, probably to take a shower of his own.

We all meet down in the kitchen to have breakfast, and Louis and I make waffles.

My Mum joins us and we all sing happy birthday to her, and he puts a candle in her waffle.

I feel my Mum's eyes on me the whole time, but I can't bring myself to make eye contact. Just sparing myself the embarrassment. Louis on the other hand is all smiles per usual.

I eat way faster than I should, just wanting this meal to be over so my Mum has time to forget about what she probably heard last night. Hopefully she miraculously does between now and when she gets home from work, in time for her party we have planned.

"Okay all done let's go," I say, standing up.

"What's with the hurry? We'll be very early if we leave now," Louis says, smirking.

I glare at him and sit back down. He continues on in conversation and I just stare at this one spot of my ripped skinnies, and play with the hem of my hoodie. The hoodie just happens to be the one Louis gave me at the lake a month or so back.

"Okay, I promise we'll be home right after school today. I'll keep them all in one piece."

"Okay bye honey, thank you again for breakfast," my Mum says sweetly to him.

"Aw don't mention it," He says rounding us out the door like cattle. Or like we're his children.

I silently pout in the passenger seat and Louis drives us to school. I keep sneaking glances of him smirking, and he finally catches me peaking.

I give in and say, "You know I'm completely fucked, right?"

"My sisters sitting right behind us, but yes you do sound quite fucked."


"What's the matter?"

"I'm screwed! Did you see the way my Mum was looking at me during breakfast?"

"Can't say I know what you mean. She just seemed excited about her birthday and enjoying her breakfast."

I look back at Lottie innocently swinging her legs in her seat and looking out the window. "I hate you right now."

Louis parks the car in the school's parking lot and asks, "Lottie do you want to go get to class? Harry and I are going to stay back for a bit."

"Sure," she replies and get out of the car.

"So what's the issue," he asks, still smirking.

"I'm not fucking around, my Mum is gonna kill me. She obviously heard us last night."

"I thought you did a good job of being quiet actually. So did I."

"Tell that to my squeaky bed and the dents on the wall from my headboard hitting it."

"Well if worst comes to worse, you can at least say we didn't actually fuck. She'll believe you since you can actually tell by your voice that you got face fucked."

"There plenty of other things that could've happened. I could have a cold or sore throat-"

"Oh I know your throat is sore."

"Shut up. I could have lost my voice in plenty of ways."

"The prominent love bites on your neck say otherwise."

"Yeah I'm screwed let's face it."

"I'll think of something to get you out of it. We gotta get to class so let's go."


"Okay the cake is in the oven, the presents are wrapped, music is on, food and guests are on the way, check check check check. Anything else we're forgetting?"

"Don't think so," I respond.

The doorbell sounds, and I go to answer it. "Welcome," I say to Robin as he hands me a gift. He walks over to the kitchen table and sets down the food he made.

"She's still at work, right?"

"Yeah for like another hour, which is fine because we got a little behind on making the cake."

"Is anyone else coming," he asks and I look to Louis. He quickly shakes his head no.

"Thanks for setting this all up. Your Mum will love it."

The oven dings, and Louis leaves to get the cake out.

"Louis can I frost the cake," Lottie calls to him.

"It has to cool off first, then you can."

"What kind of cake is it," Robin asks me.

"Red velvet."

As of now, Robin and I are sitting on either end of the couch in the living room while Lottie and Louis clean up the kitchen.

Robin must see this as an opportunity to get to know me better, because he asks, "So you're sixteen right?"

"I'll be sixteen in February," I quickly respond. I feel awkward talking to him considering we've only ever had a real conversation with my Mum involved or at least with her in the room.

"Oh okay. So does Louis spend a lot of time here then?"

"Um yeah he kinda lives here," I say a little too matter-of-factly.

I can tell he wants to ask why, but he stays silent and just nods his head.

Saved from the awkward conversation, Louis calls me to the kitchen.

"Thanks," I say to him when I enter.

Seeming to know exactly what I'm referring too, he replies, "You're welcome."


Just as Lottie finishes frosting the cake, my Mum walks in.

"Happy birthday," we all cheer.

"Aw guys you shouldn't have."

We all sit down to eat, and I can't help but notice Louis constantly checking the clock.

I let it go though, and continue eating and chatting.

I realize what he was waiting for when the doorbell rings.

"Harry, want to go get that," Louis asks, smirking to me.

I get him a confused look, but still stand up and head toward the door. On my way over, the doorbell rings again, indicating the person is getting impatient.

I finally open the door and the last person I would have guessed to come to something like this is standing in the doorway.


Word count: 1074

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