"Thanks Ni, thanks Mrs. Horan. See you tomorrow," I say to them as I get out of the car.

I walk inside to see a note on the counter.

Staying at Jill's house after work tonight. Food's in the fridge. Love you -Mum

Jill is my Mum's work friend. They hang out quite often. And that means I get the house to myself tonight. Alone. With nothing to do. Fabulous.

I sit down on the couch and turn on Friends, which is on every Wednesday. I recorded them all, but right now I'm caught up so I can only watch them on Wednesdays.

After the episode is over, it's 5 o'clock. I go to the fridge and see that my Mum got me a sub from Subway.

After I eat that, I go to my room to start my homework. Before I can get far, I hear my phone ring,

Incoming FaceTime Call: Louis Tomlinson

I answer the call and set my phone up in front of my face. "Hello?"

"Yay you answered! Okay so I feel really bad asking this but like could you help me with the physics homework. I'm kind of clueless as to what's going on in class right now. She really just handed me the worksheet and expected me to know what was going on even though I've been here like two days."

"Um yeah sure. I was actually just about to do it so good timing I guess," I say with a stifled laugh. I feel dumb getting my hopes up think he was actually calling to tell me what was wrong today.

"Great, let's get on with it then." Louis disappears from the view of the camera for a moment, then reappears with what looks like the worksheet we were given, and with a pencil.

I quickly explain to him what we're doing in the class, then helped him with our homework.

The only other homework we both had for the day was language arts, so we did that together too.

After finishing all our assignments, I hopped onto my bed and we just continued to chat for awhile. He told me that he moved here because of his Dad's work and that he was in Year 12. He also told me a little about his sister and I told him about my Mum and school.

We just kind of continued to go on like that until I checked the clock.

"Woah when did it get to be midnight?"

"Dunno. Lost track of time I guess."

"I should probably get to bed soon though."

"Okay night night," he says as he props his phone against something, lays down in bed, and closes his eyes. He's still fully visible on the camera.


"Yes," he responds, eyes still closed.

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you say you needed to get to bed? Well so do I, so that's what I'm doing."

"But on FaceTime?"

"Yeah it's like having a sleepover."

"You want to have a FaceTime sleepover?"

"Yes I do, and we're gonna. Goodnight."

I prop up my phone and plug it in just like Louis did, and close my eyes.

After a few minutes I open my eyes back up and see Louis sleeping peacefully on the other line. I can't help but notice how perfectly his messy hair sweeps his forehead, and how long his eyelashes are. With his eyes closed, his lashes rest on top of his defined cheekbones. I smile to myself and close my eyes again.

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