Trigger Warning --->

Please check the trigger because this is a very sensitive, disturbing topic.

Louis' POV

I don't know where I'm going, but I keep driving.

I powered off my phone so I didn't have to listen to Liam calling me over and over again.

I haven't allowed myself to cry yet, because I'm not the one that should be sad.

Harry did this to himself and he should have seen that this wasn't going to work.

I know that I can't drive home, as much as I want to, because this car is the only way everyone else at the cabin can get home.

It's 7:40, so I make a mental note to get back home after everyone is asleep, but before they get up in the morning.

I've been driving for over an hour, but I don't care. I just need to clear my mind.

But that's one thing I can't seem to do. There's only one thing in my mind right now, and it's the one thing I don't want to think about.


I keep thinking about his curls in a mop on his head, his beautiful smile with the dimples, and his bright green eyes.

The eyes that I used to think I saw my future in.

When Harry and I kissed for the first time, like our real first kiss, I remember looking into his eyes, and never wanting to look away again.

I looked at him and saw home.

Now it's different. He doesn't feel the same way about me that I do him.

He's embarrassed of me. He wants to hide from everyone when we're together.

What I really want is to run up to him and have him put his arms around me and tell me everything is going to be alright.

But right now that doesn't feel like it could happen. I was supposed to be strong for him. His rock.

But I broke up with him. I cut him off.

I know how easy it probably would be to just go back to the cabin, apologize for everything and make up.

But in all reality, I can't do that.

I can't do that because I'm not sorry for what I said. As much as I hate to say it, the things I said to Harry needed to be said.

He had to actually see what he was doing and I had no choice but to show him.

In order to stop my brain from spinning, I write down what's going through my head. It actually helps me to calm down.

By now it's pitch black outside and I realize I have no idea where I am.

I have no choice but to turn my phone back on and punch in the address to the cabin in my phone for directions.

I see that the constant calls from Liam ended about forty-five minutes ago.

The route that my phone wants me to take is almost two hours. I didn't realize I was driving this far away from the cabin.

I don't want to go back yet though, because if I do now, then I would get back around 10:30.

So instead, I pull into this diner and hop out of my car. Luckily my wallet was in my coat pocket, so I have money.

I walk into the diner and get seated in a booth against the window.

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