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Harry's POV

I wake up to find that Louis had migrated to the floor, no longer sharing the couch with me. I whisper down to him, "Lou, are you awake?"

"Mhm," he groggily responds. He's got quite the morning voice.

"I think it's time to get up," I say as I look around, noticing Niall and Zayn are nowhere to be found.

I try to stand up, and the next thing I notice is my throbbing headache.

A string of curse words leave my mouth as I flop back, face first, onto the couch.

"How's your first hangover treating you Styles?"

"Fuck off," I groan, which is muffled by the pillow I have my face pushed into.

After a bit, I manage to check my phone.

New Text Message: Fooking Four (34 minutes ago)

Niall- let me know when you guys get this. z and i went to pick up breakfast because you 2 were sound asleep.

Louis- we're up.

Niall- okay sleeping beauties. we'll be back in like 5 mins.

Louis and I get up, and I go to brush my teeth. He follows me into the bathroom and says, "You were so far gone last night."

"What do you mean?"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"You told me that story, and I cried and you cried and then I um... then I woke up."

"Oh so you remember everything? Good I was afraid you blacked out or something," Louis says sounding nervous. He's just worried about me. Probably feels bad buying my vodka and letting it loose on me.

He leaves the bathroom without another word. I'm left alone with my thoughts and a mouthful of toothpaste.

I pop a few painkillers for my headache then hear Niall and Zayn burst into the house. I hear an Irish accent yell out, "Who's hungry?"


It's time to leave and Louis offers to take me home.

He makes a wrong turn so I point it out, "Uh Louis you were supposed to go the other way."

"Not going home just yet."

"Where are we going?"

"Wait and see."

After a little while of driving Louis pulls into a parking lot of a wooded reservation.

"Follow me," he says, hoping out of the car.

I do just that and we begin to walk into the woods.

We end up at this small body of water with a run down dock leading up to it, and he starts stripping down.

I just stare at him with confusion as he stands in front of me, only in his underpants. He says, "Found this place with Lottie the day we moved here. Pretty nice aye?"

I begin to take my shirt off as Louis jumps right in. "The water's great!"

"You're kidding. It's the middle of September. How nice can it be?"

"Just get in Harold, you'll get used to it."

By now I am dressed in the same attire as Louis, and I sit at the edge of the dock, hanging my feet over the end. Suddenly Louis splashes me and I yell, "Fuck that's cold. How are you still in there?"

I'll Make This Feel Like Home {l.s}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora