{Thursday, Oct 22}

After school today, Gemma had said her final farewells to us, and promised she'd visit again very soon.

Before she left though, I asked her why she isolated herself from us for so long.

She explained that she had a rush from finally leaving home, away from our dad and being on her own as an adult for the first time.

After she missed her first family Christmas to go to a college party, she felt embarrassed. She didn't think we would really want her back after something like that, despite the couple more invitations she had gotten to things.

Once the invitations stopped though, she knew we really didn't want her around. And when Louis had first DMed her on Instagram, she was confused. But after he had explained who he was, she was excited and felt like she'd been given a second chance. Or as she described it, a ninth or so chance.

She didn't say so exactly, but I could tell she was upset that her old room had been converted to the guest bedroom. And now it's Lottie and Louis' room anyways. I could imagine her feeling forgotten, which is why I made her swear that's she'd be back to visit soon. I also promised her that my bed will be clean.

Now it's six in the evening, and my Mum and Lottie are making spaghetti with meatballs for dinner. I'm sat at the dinning table finishing up an assignment on my laptop. Louis is sat across from me, writing in some journal. I'm assuming it's for school as well.

He keeps looking up to me, and as much as I try to fight it, a smile creeps up on my face every time.

I type a few more sentences, the look up to find Louis now just completely zoned out in my direction.

He snaps out of it when I wave my hand at him and he explains himself by saying, "You look cute when you're all focused and serious."

"Shut it," I respond, blushing profusely nonetheless, and resume my work.

I finish up, and Lottie comes over to serve us dinner.

"Thank you little lady," I say to her and boop her nose.

We all let light conversation flow throughout dinner, and my Mum has thankfully seems to loosen her constant looming gaze over me like she has been the past day or so.

After dinner, Louis and I head to my room to hang out for a little before we go to bed.

"What were you doing at the table before dinner?"

"Looking at you."

"Well yeah but like, the journal. Was that school stuff or something?"

"Just a journal I like to keep. Nothing school related. Just a personal keepsake."

"Can I read it?"

"Piss off."

"Why not," I ask, making a pouting face.

"Piss off. I said it's personal."

Not wanting to actually make him mad, I let it go.


{Friday, Oct 23}

On the drive home from school, Louis asks Lottie who is sat in the backseat, "What do you think you want to be for Halloween? It's just over a week away."

"I don't know, I'll think about it."

Much to our luck, Halloween is on a Saturday this year.

"How about you Harry, what do you want to be?"

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