{Tuesday, Sept. 22}

I caught little bit of a cold from being out in the cold rain on Sunday, so I didn't go to school on Monday.

Louis had made zero effort to contact me, and hasn't responded to anything I've said. Niall said he wasn't at school either.

Gabe has sent me a few long apology texts, all of which I've left on open, but he's honestly the least of my concerns right now. He's the reason all this shit went down.

I went to school today and Louis was still MIA.

After school yesterday, Niall said he tried his house. His sister came to the door saying Louis was out and their dad was at work. He said she told him that he won't be back for a bit so to just try tomorrow.

Now Niall and I are back at his door knocking.

This time, a middle-aged man, presumably his father, comes to the door.

"How can I help you young lads?"

Niall answers saying, "Hi yeah I'm Niall and this is Harry. We're friends of Louis and we were wondering if he was home?"

"Don't kids these days just text each other? What are you coming around to his front door for," he says, letting a deep rumbled of a laugh out.

I nervously laugh and say, "Yeah well he hasn't been returning my calls or anything, and he wasn't home yesterday when we tried, so we were trying again today."

"I'm pretty sure he's in his room, or I at least haven't seen him leave yet today."

"Is he sick or something," Niall asks.

"Dunno. Haven't talked to him," he says shrugging his shoulders and stepping aside, allowing us entry.

I lead the way to his room, Niall following closely behind me. His dad stayed downstairs though.

"This is kind of suspicious," whispers Niall.

"I was thinking the same thing. It seems almost like Louis hasn't left his room in days. I mean his dad seemed to have not a clue of his condition. Almost like he forgot they lived in the same house."

Niall nods his head in agreement, and I knock on Louis' door.

There's no answer.

I try it again, but still no answer.

I twist the knob to see if it's locked or not, and to our luck, the door opens.

We walk in and I see Louis on his bed (or more like a lump under the covers).

I poke the lump and Louis makes a scraggly, "hmph," sound.

Niall is still standing in the doorway, and I sit on the side of his bed, my legs dangling off the edge.

I ask, "How you doing Lou?"

"Go away."

"When's the last time you left your bed Louis?"

"Fuck off."

I pull the covers from over his head to reveal a greasy-haired, sunken-eyed boy.

"How about you go take a shower, Niall and I will get you some food, then we can talk. How does that sound?"

"Please just leave."

"I hope you know that Gabe was bullshitting with everything he said. I don't know why you were so worried about it or why you felt the need to nearly knock him out, but thank you for sticking up for me."

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