"Wait can I guess when you wrote this?"

He nods and I guess, "When we broke up at the cabin?"

He nods again and says, "No more questions."

I change the subject and ask, "So we have like three hours to kill, what should we do?"

"Lay here."

"I love naps but I for one have not been out of bed for more than ten minutes at a time today."

"And why's that?"

I shoot him a glare. "Hm. No clue," I respond sarcastically

"Wait are you sore or something," he asks, holding back laughter.

"Not funny. And who's fault do you think that is?"

Louis just smiles to himself, looking rather proud.

I continue and say, "You can be as prideful as you want now, but when my Mum sees me limping out the door later tonight-"

"Doesn't matter cause you'll be dressed as an angel. Innocent enough right?"

"And you're the devil. What does that say?"

He just shrugs his shoulders. I change the subject again and ask, "What are the other three doing tonight? Do they want to come trick-or-treating with us?"

"Liam told me they're going to another party. They already said they didn't want to trick-or-treat. What losers wouldn't want to trick-or-treat?"

"Yeah that's crazy," I say bluntly.

"Want to watch a Halloween movie until it's time to go," he asks me.

"Sure like what?"


"That's not even a Halloween movie dumb dumb."

"Of course it is!"

"Is not. Let's just see what's on the hallmark channel and watch that."

"Works for me."


About an hour and a half later, we finish watching Hocus Pocus.

I'll admit, I didn't pay much attention to it, because I was busy making out with Louis basically the entire time. What can I say? We're teenagers.

The credits begin to roll and Louis says, "Good movie."

"Oh yeah? What was the main character's name?"

After a long pause, Louis says, "Next question."

"That's what I thought."

"Hey! At least I was enjoying myself," he says and leans over to kiss my cheek.

He pulls away and looks at me for a second, then I lean back in to kiss his lips.

His hands find my hips and he pulls me back on top of him. My hands run over all the bare skin of his chest. His shirt had come off during some point of the movie.

I move one of my hands to his hair and lightly tug. It must rile him up because right when I pull on his hair, he flips me over so I'm on the bottom and he pins me to the bed.

Instead of reconnecting our lips, he meets his to my neck. Right at the sensitive part where my pulse is.

He starts to suck really hard and I know it's going to make a mark. He's trying to get me disowned.

As if on cue, the door flies open and Lottie comes in shouting, "We have to leave now or were going to miss tri-"

Louis jumps off of my faster than I can think and starts babbling, "Lottie wait outside we'll be there in a second we'll be on time just give us a second okay? Just go back out there please."

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