{Tuesday, Sept. 15}

Louis picks me up for school the next morning and once I get in the car he asks, "How did things with your Mum go last night? Please tell me you actually talked to her and didn't like pretend nothing happened."

"No we talked and it went well. I basically just apologized for being such a dick and for not trusting her. She also apologized for keeping him a secret for so long and explained to me how they met at work and she actually was working overtime, but was so enthusiastic to do so because of the fact she could spend more time with him."

"Oh that actually makes sense then. I'm glad you guys could talk it out though."

"I probably would've stayed pretty petty on the situation if you hadn't talked me into making amends with her."

"Glad I could help."


Second period history, I share with Niall. We sit next to each other and somehow the teacher hasn't separated us for talking the whole time yet.

"How's Zoe," I ask him as the lecture begins.

"Really good actually. I'm actually going to dinner at hers tonight to meet her parents so that should be, erm, interesting."

"Good luck. I'm sure they'll love you though."

"I'm glad you're optimistic. She said it's very difficult to please her dad."

"She's just preparing you for the worst. It'll be fine. Bring flowers to the door, shake both her parents' hands firmly, don't make your hand feel like a dead floppy fish, and look them in the eyes. Also don't forget to smile. Don't be too serious to the point where you're boring. You still want to have a good time."

"I just want to make a good first impression."

"Well if you do all that then they'll have no choice but to love you."

Before he can answer, we're interrupted by Mrs. Sales, the history teacher. "Mr. Styles if I have to ask you to be quiet during class one more time I'm moving your seat."

"Ma'am you said that the past four times," I respond and the class snickers.

"Well this time I mean it. Last warning young man."

As much as I would love to mess around and have a little fun with this situation, I keep quiet.


Niall drops me off before getting ready to meet Zoe's parents. He loves driving me now that he actually has his license.

I have no homework, so there's nothing to do. I decide to text Louis.

New Text Message

H-i'm bored wanna do something?

L-can't. have to take lottie to dance class

H- :(

L-sorry, duty calls.

H-okay fine. oh i got a question.

L-what is it?

H-did you ever ask niall about your burning question?

L-i did matter of fact yeah. why?

H-no reason

L-you want some don't you? i knew you did

H-never said that

L-but you were thinking it weren't you

H-so you asked him where he got it. then did you get some?

L-why do you ask

H-you're unbelievable i'm leaving now. talk later


(read 1 min ago)



L-c'mon h

H-you free this weekend?

L-how about friday?

H-pick me up at 6

Being difficult with him is just more fun. Who can blame me? It's funny when he's all mad.

Still have nothing to do though.

It's now 7:30 so the sun is starting to go down. I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to watch the sunset on my roof.

I climb out the window that provides the roof access, and climb towards the top. I perch myself on the rough roofing, and look out into the mess of reds, oranges, and yellows. It's really pretty, so I take a picture and make a mental note to try and recreate it in a painting later.

The sun dips into the horizon, and my surrounding become dark. I take that as my cue to go back inside.

After making myself a quick dinner, I head up to my room and get some rest. I've become pretty self sufficient with my Mum gone so frequently. Hopefully that will change soon though. I do miss her being around always like old times.


{Friday, Sept. 18}

Before I know it, it's last period on Friday. This week hasn't been that bad, but ever since Tuesday, I've been looking forward to hanging out with Louis today.

I finish my physics test and wait for dismissal. I open my phone up to pass the time and see I have a text from Louis.

New Text Message: Louis Tomlinson

L-still good for 6 o'clock?

H-no i actually think i'm gonna sit this one out

L-wait seriously

H-no you dipshit i'm kidding


L-see you then. bell's about to ring

Just moments later, the bell does in fact ring, sending us to our lockers.

When I get in the car with Niall, he asks, "Got plans this weekend?"

"Yeah I'm hanging out with Louis tonight, but I should be free the rest of the weekend if you want to do something."

"Cool wanna come over Saturday?"



It's only now 5:30 and Louis is already knocking on my door.

I run downstairs to answer it and say, "Lou you're like a half an hour early."

He basically jumps in the door and says, "I know I was just excited. Take your time getting ready though I'm not rushing you."

"You're a dork. Come upstairs."

He follows me upstairs and I continue packing my bag.

he plops himself down on my bed and asks, "Are you done yet?"

"I thought you weren't gonna rush me."

"I'm not. Just asking."

I toss my toothbrush in there then respond, "Ready. Let's go."

We go back downstairs and into the car. We drive down the road and Louis pulls into a gas station.

"Gotta fill her up," he starts while handing me some cash. "Go get some snacks for tonight would you?"

I take the money and go into the store.

I walk down the first isle where the candy is and someone catches my eye.

"Gabe Tuffin?"


Word Count: 1033

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