I dial his number and he picks up on the first ring.

"Hey what's up H? Miss me already? It's hasn't even been 30 minutes."

"I know I'm sorry to bother you again but can you pick me up please please please it's really important I need to get out of the house."

"But you just got home. What's this all about anyways?"

"Louis please? I'll explain in the car or something but I need to get the hell out of this place before I make anyone anymore upset."

"I'll be there in 10," he says and hangs up the phone.

I grab a backpack and throw a bunch of stuff in it, not knowing what I might need.

Louis arrives closer to eight minutes later, probably speeding to get here.

I can see the driveway from my bedroom window. I text Louis, 'hold on' and grab some sheets off my bed. I construct a makeshift rope and tie it off, letting the one end hang out the window.

By now Louis has gotten out of his car and I standing on the grass outside my window.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing," he whisper-shouts. "Use the bloody front door you idiot!"

I ignore his request and throw my legs out the window, and sit on the windowsill. "Catch," I say as I toss my bag down to him.

"You're going to get yourself killed," he starts as I begin to shimmy down my sheets. "You're fucking insane."

I almost effortlessly make my way down the side of the house and am now standing next to Louis.

"Let's get on with it then, yeah?" After I say that we walk over to his car.

We start down the road and Louis finally asks, "So what's all the commotion?"

"Mum got a boyfriend. And she's been keeping secrets from me and I got pissed and stormed off and I just wanted to get myself out of the situation before I did anything else I regretted."

"That makes sense I guess. Did you come home and find her there with them or what? How did it go down?"

"I got there and she said someone was coming over that she wanted me to meet."

"Why are you upset about her wanting to properly introduce the two of you?"

I explain to him my hunch I have about her lying about picking up extra shifts and and her saying that she's spending the night places to actually see him.

"Well did you ask her if that was the truth or are you just jumping to conclusions?"

After I don't say anything he continues. "That's what I thought. What you need is to sit down and have a chat with your Mum. Not flee the situation entirely."

"Not now. I'd rather just clear my mind first. Then I can go into the conversation fresh."

"That's fine," Louis pauses to check the time and says, "It's only two p.m. so what would you like to do?"

"Up to you. You're the one driving."

"Have you had lunch yet?"

"Nope," I say, popping the 'p.'

"Then let's go grab some food cause I'm starving."


We order and Louis says, "Let's play never have I ever while we wait for our food."

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