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Once my bag is packed, Louis and I head over to his house to get some of his things. Louis and I slept almost 12 hours, so we should both have enough rest to pull an all-nighter if Niall still wants to do that.

We pull into his driveway (which is quite long) and drive up in front of this enormous house. Louis must notice the shocked look on my face, because he chuckles and shakes his head.

"Alright let's make this quick, Styles," he says and we exit the car, "you can just wait in the living room. I'm sure Lottie will keep you company."

Louis walks up his stairs, and I walk over towards what I perceive to be the living room.

"Oh he does have friends," the girl on the couch says, rolling her eyes. I assume this is Lottie.

"Erm, yeah. Lottie I'm guessing?"

"Yep. Who are you?"

I decide not to remind her that I've taken her to school like three times probably and just say, "I'm Harry. What grade are you in?" She probably doesn't remember me considering she's basically only seen the back of my head when I sit in front of her in the car.

"Third," she says, flashing a braces-filled smile.

"How do you like your new school?"

"S'not bad. My math teacher is a bitch though."

"Woah are you allowed to say those words young lady?"

"Louis isn't here to yell at me so it's fine."

"Do you have Mrs. Warton?"

"How'd you know?"

"Cause she's a bitch," I say and we both laugh.

Louis walks down and must've heard the back end of our conversation and he says to me, "Let's not teach my seven year old sister how to swear, yeah?"

"Hey I just turned eight!"

"Whatever, I'm ready to go if you are," and with that Louis and I go back out to his car.

"It's only 12 o'clock, so do you want to do something before we head over to Niall's," he asks me as we get in the car.

"Like what? It's only an hour."

"I have an idea," he says with a quick smile and we begin to drive down the road.


"I'm 17, almost 18 so it's pretty believable," Louis says as he pulls out his fake I.D, "It's really just in case they card me but I'd say I look old for my age."

"Eh, beg to differ."

"Shut up, beer or vodka?"


"Woah there."

"Niall likes beer but I think it smells like cough syrup. So both."

"Who said Niall's getting any?"

"We're gonna share you, dip shit. We're not gonna arrive there completely smashed and not even bring any with us.

"Fine," he says and closes the car door behind him, leaving my in the parking lot of the liquor store.

I wait patiently for him to come out, but it's taking awhile. I start to think they didn't believe he was 18 and I get nervous. But just as this thought crosses my mind, he walks out with a bottle of Smirnoff and a case of Budweiser.

As he walks towards the car, he waves them in front of him like he won some sort of prize. I can't help but to smile, because of how excited he is.

I'll Make This Feel Like Home {l.s}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن