{Friday, Sept. 25}

The day goes by quickly, and it's time for everyone to come over for dinner.

Niall shows up first, and hugs my Mum before he even says hi to me.

"I'm so happy for you Anne."

"Thank you love," she responds as the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it," I call. Louis and Zayn show up together, and I see a card in Louis' hand. The word congratulations is handwritten neatly across the front of it.

They both greet me, then go to my mother. Louis hand her the card and Zayn shakes her hand, introducing himself. I wonder if Louis wrote something on the inside of the card, but I don't feel like I should ask to read it.

While we eat, we talk about things like school, sports and girls. Niall tells us that he plans on taking Zoe out to this nice restaurant for her birthday next week. Niall loves food, so this comes to us as no surprise.

"Are you going to get her something," I ask him.

"Yeah actually I started making a collage of all our pictures together. We've been close friends for awhile before we even started dating, so I have plenty of photos to use."

"That's a beautiful idea, Niall," exclaims my Mum.

As I go to take another bite of my food, I feel something rest on my leg. I realize it's Louis' hand. I glance over to him, but he doesn't look back. He just slightly shows a mischievous smile.

He begins to very slowly sneak his hand up my thigh, and I am careful to not show any sign that could indicate something is going on.

Louis' fingertips slide up closer to a certain area that now has blood rushing to it, and all I can do is continue conversation with the other people at the table.

He finally gives my upper thigh a quick squeeze and pulls back his arm, acting like nothing happened.

My pants feel very tight around my crotch, making it very difficult to keep a straight face.

"How about you Harry," says my Mum, and everyone looks at me. Shit.

I snap my head up and Niall says from across the table, "What were you thinking about there, mate?"

"What? Nothing I was just zoned out. Wasn't thinking about anything. What was the question?"

"If you were dating someone, where would you take them on a date?"

I've actually put thought into this question before, so I'm quick to answer. "Probably ice skating or something. Seems romantic."


We finish up and Louis says to my Mum, "Hi Anne, do you think Harold could come over to my place for tonight. I promise I'll bring him back in one piece."

"Sure I don't see why not."

That was random. "I'll just uh, go pack a bag then I guess," and I walk to my room, leaving Louis and my Mum alone.

Once I return, they're sitting back at the kitchen table, laughing about who knows what.

"I'm ready when you are, Lou."

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