Before I know it, it's lunch time.

"Harry, where's your mind at," Niall asks from next to me, making me snap out of my thoughts.

It's been happening to me all day, but I can't help it. I have a lot on my plate.

"School stuff. Looking forward to the half-term though," I say looking up at a grinning Louis.

As I notice him staring at me, he licks his lips and looks back down into his food.

"So lads," Louis starts, "I told you all about my mate Liam from Doncaster right?"

We all nod and Niall says, "Yeah didn't you just make up with the guy not too long ago?"

"Yeah, dumb fight but it's in the past. Well anyways he told me that his uncle has this big ass cabin out a bit of ways north of here and he said if you guys all wanted to stay there for a bit of the break, it would be a fun trip to be able to meet you all and stuff. What do you all think?"

"I'm in," Zayn says immediately.

"Totally," Niall chimes in.

"Yeah for sure. How far is it from here," I ask.

"I'd say a bit over three hours to drive there. We would pass through Donny on the way there, so we would pick up Liam on the way, assuming we all drove together."

"We can like switch off driving and stuff so you don't have to be at the wheel the whole time," says Zayn. I feel bad being the only one not being able to drive, but what am I supposed to do about it?

"Alright I'm really excited for this. Him and I went there a few winters ago for a holiday and it was a blast."

He goes on to tell us all about the stuff they did there, and it does sound like a really good time. I just don't know if I should go or not.

Everyone else is chatting about how excited they are. Hell, Niall already texted his Mum about his plans. But I know that once I tell my Mum about everything that went down with my Dad, she'll freak and get super protective.

I mean I understand where she would be coming from, but I don't want it to stop me from hanging out with my friends. Especially since Zayn is in year 11 and Louis is year 12, meaning soon they're out of here. For Louis, he'll by gone next year. It scares me to think that once they're off to UNI, I might never see them again.

Everyone always says like, 'oh you'll be my best friend forever,' but I don't know a lot of friend groups that have stuck together after having to be separated because of UNI.

My contemplations are cut off by my phone buzzing in my pocket.

New Text Message: Loubear:)

-meet me in the bathroom

I look up and realize Louis isn't there anymore. He must've left without me even realizing it.

I get up and head to the nearest bathroom that I assume Louis to be in.

I walk in and sure enough he's at the mirror fixing his hair.


"Nice to see you too Harold."

"Sorry, didn't mean it like that. What'd you call me in here for?"

"If you don't want to go to the cabin, we don't have to. It was just an idea."

"Who said I didn't want to go?"

"I know you Harry. Plus once we all started talking about it, we got really distant and disassociated yourself from our conversations."

"No, I just am thinking about a lot right now. But even if I didn't want to go- not saying I don't- but if I didn't, then I wouldn't want to ruin all your guys' holiday. I wouldn't mind you all going without me. I mean like if I didn't want to-"

"Cut the bullshit Harry, I can see right through you. If it's not your scene, then don't feel implied to go."

"It's not that, it's my Mum. You already know everything I've been meaning to tell her-"

Louis cuts me off again and says, "And I said I'd help you talk to her."

"Yes I know but, she's going to go all momma bear mode on me when she finds out. But if I told her after the holiday, she would just freak out even more from me having kept the secret for so long."

Louis is quite for a moment, thinking. Finally he pipes up and says, "Okay how about this. Tonight. Your house. Three of us. We all tell her what fuckery is going on and get through it. And if she does flip out, then she has about two weeks to cool down, before we would leave for the trip."

I nod in agreement, just as the bell rings.

"Alright it's a plan then. See you in physics," Louis says, ruffling my hair before he walks away.


New Text Message: Nialler

N-so i forgot to ask you, what were you doing second period? history class is boring enough as is, but without you there it's just that much worse.

I rattle my brain for a response, but can't think of anything.

Now in my last period, I look next to me at Louis and show him the text.

He takes a picture of himself on my phone.

"Should I just send him this," he whispers to me, since the teacher is in the middle of a lesson

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"Should I just send him this," he whispers to me, since the teacher is in the middle of a lesson.

I think for a moment. Niall has just as dirty of a mind as Louis, so I know he'll get the joke. But for some reason this seems like the funniest way to come clean to Niall. I can't make up my fucking mind as to whether I want him to know or not.

But as of now I feel like being impulsive.

"Do it," I say. And he does.

We both await Niall's reply

N-that's what you were doing


N-hahahahahahahahah was it good?

H-shut up

N-for now. tell me more later tho

H-whatever you say nialler


Word Count: 1033

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