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I watched Jace leave and I felt the stinging pain in my chest starting to spread in my whole body. He had weakened me with emotions and kissed me. He now knew who I was and I saw how much he hated me. I fell down to the ground and cried my lungs out. This was all Alfus' fault. He shouldn't have injected me with those drugs that made me weak as I tried to take a walk through the forest making me sleep where I was and Ja...rather Rodney got me. Well I'm now Trina and he's Rodney. We're enemies. It's Al and Jace that love each other.

It started raining as I stayed where I was. I started reminding myself of all the good times I had with Rodney ever since I met him.

The night in the forest when he picked me up after hurting me. How we held hands...

The making out in the kitchen of my parents' house

All the flirting...

Then the elevator...

The dinner at the diner at TLA HQ

All the close moments...

The way he shouted at me when Nick had sent me to his house...

The way he was ready to save me when Martha had possessed my body...

The way he stood out for me at the supermarket...

The way he pleaded for me to forgive him that night where I was standing at the window...

The way he looked jealous after seeing me with Alfus...

The way he looked at me when he found me at Elena's house...

All the beautiful times...

I couldn't believe they had just ended with one passionate kiss. I was broken. Why had I even insisted to love him after knowing what the future held for me? Why?

I was now at the stream in the middle of the forest. I looked at the water and all I could see was Rodney. I knew wherever he was, he was thinking about me and regretting all he had done for me. I knew he was somewhere thinking through everything we had passed through together just like I was doing. Everything hurt after the heartbreak.

I felt like my chest was so heavy. The pain couldn't go away however much I tried to forget everything. I just fell into the water and waited for my fate. I didn't struggle with it. I let myself sink and I closed my eyes. I had to leave the world again. I couldn't live without Rodney and I knew I would never have him.


I opened my eyes expecting to see Hazel and Max and someone assigning me a punishment for my sins but all I saw were White Walls. I looked at myself. I was dressed in a hospital gown. I looked around and saw Carsy. I looked away. Why did she even save me? I thought Ja... wait, it's Rodney had told them the truth.

"Al..." She was fighting back sobs. Al? You mean they didn't know anything. "I'm really sorry."

I looked around and saw Barack, Nick and Jace! Jace???! I thought...

"He brought you home," Carsy answered my unasked question.


Just then Raven, Vanessa, Elena, Sammy and Rora entered. I looked at Jace and he avoided my gaze. I decided to just be bad because they would soon find out and hate me.

"Wh..." Shit. My throat hurt like hell. It tasted like salt and sandpaper. "Where is M... Martha?" I forced the question out.

"She was not found. I know she's old enough to take care of herself," Carsy said.

"W...why are you... caring... I'm not... Nikhita..."

My pulse started rising and the machine started warning.

"Al calm down!" Carsy screamed for me and I saw darkness. I lost consciousness again. It was too much pain. I was heartbroken. Yes, I had done wrong to Rodney but I thought his love for me was strong enough for him to stay with me even after finding out my identity.

The I love you had quickly changed to I hate you. How was I supposed to get true happiness after the heartbreak? I'm sure he came back for me because Carsy had sent him for me but no strings attached.

I felt really hurt. When was all this going to end? Was I going to ever get happy? Was I going to ever be loved? Was I going to ever be accepted?

Yes. You're not the first to make a mistake dear. It's all going to end soon.

I was seeing Shyla talk to me. We were in a very blossoming garden. It was shining. She was looking beautiful in her white dress. She had a genuine smile.

Shyla, I'm really sorry... I...

Shshsh...that's the past Trina. Move on. Forget it. Search for the true happiness. Fight all the battles in your own way and end this. Your true happiness marks the end of everything. Search for it...

But that's with Rodney and he...he hates me...

That's what I'm talking about... fight that battle and heal his wounds...there you will have him...

She took me around the garden. She showed me Alvry. Hazel. Max. They were not even enemies where they were. They were in their wolf forms and running around.

See...we all put that in the past...do the same and true happiness will come to you...I know you can do this...

Thanks for this Shyla...

She just smiled at me and slowly faded with the sun. I was back in the hospital room. They were not all there. No one was in the room. I guess the doctor had told them to leave me alone for sometime but Carsy was the doctor. Would she do that? Anyway, I got up from the hospital bed and went to ease myself. I felt uncomfortable in the hospital cloth so I changed into the black sweats and hood that were on the chair next to the bed. I had just done so when Alfus and Martha came in.

"What do you traitors want?" I asked them. They had set me up so that my identity would be revealed to Rodney.

"Ouch! What a rude way to welcome your partners!" Alfus faked shock while touching his chest.

"I am no longer working with you. You gave me out."

"You needed the heartbreak to finally do what I want," Alfus answered me. "That's what keeps me moving."

"I am not you! I am not even broken."

"C'mon let's go. You are making things hard," he spoke like I was obviously going to listen.

"I'm going nowhere!"

"So you are ready to stay with no one who even loves you?" Martha asked.

"Yes. It's better than staying with traitors."

"I knew you would make this hard! Get her," Alfus ordered Martha.

"Don't come close to me!" My eyes shone blue and Martha just smiled. She just stabbed me in my stomach. I couldn't believe this.

"You will heal so don't worry."

I fell down and Alfus lifted me on his shoulder. We left the hospital. Where were these guys?! Argh!! I hated this...


Hold on tight... we're about to end this... I'm already missing Jace...love this guy.❤️.


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