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Hi my skylarks. I'm back. I know the skylarks list will increase after this quarantine moods are eased a bit.

Image is Rodney. Just to keep you reliving the previous chapters in your imagination.

Here we go.



I reach home the next morning and I find the city really destroyed. Everyone is in sorrow. On seeing me, their hope is risen. I can see it in their eyes. I hug some children in comfort. The thought of having their Luna kidnapped is scaring them because once she dies, the pack is weakened.

"I know I owe all of you an explanation for my absence but all you should know is I'm really sorry and I promise to get back your Luna safe and sound. Please trust me, the next battle is ours. We are to win. I know a lot of people are injured and others are lost in the battle but we shall get stronger. Therefore we are to begin training starting tomorrow. Lycans forever!"

"Lycans forever!" They all chant along with me. They really feel protected in my presence. Well, I've never been defeated. Never. And I'm not ready to let it commence now.

After comforting the lycans, I move to the kingdom where I've been waited for by my Gamma, his mate, my Beta and his mate as well as my parents.

"I-" a slap reaches my cheek before I start talking. "What was that about Vanessa?"

"It's about my girl. Raven has been kidnapped all because you want to be with those creatures!"

I'm already angry. "Well where were the rest of you when she was being taken away? I gave clear orders of keeping her in the bunker once an ambush was administered on the territory!"

"Well seems like we were not strong enough, you hell of a son!" Edward growls at me.

"Who took her?"

"The lycan!" Alvry answers me.


I turn and run out shifting into the other side of me. My wolf side. I follow her scent.


I wake up when I'm in a bed. I'm in a room. There are long dark red curtains covering every entry. I get up and sit up but my torso is hurting. I check on it. It's healed. There is only pain but no wound. I then realise I'm wearing a big shirt. The smell is familiar. It's not Blake's but Max's.

Max was the lycan I studied with in school. He used to tease me so much. He was ahead of me by many classes. He was actually the son to the director of the school. He used to only come around at school on Fridays. He could tease me and sometimes kiss me. He called me his mate. I was young then and I believed in him only to realise the truth from my parents whom he killed since they were taking me away from him. Max was as old as Blake. I think. I vowed to avenge their deaths but I was only fifteen then. I am going to kill him if he's the kidnapper.

Suddenly, a woman comes in with a plate of breakfast. It's a glass of apple juice, my favorite as well as a plate of spaghetti. She seems scared. I can tell she's a lycan by her silver eyes.

"I'm really sorry my Queen. How can I involve myself into a Luna kidnap? Please forgive me. I have no option or else my son will be killed."

"Who sent you?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that. My son's life depends on that too. His identity is to be kept secret to you."

"Is it-" I'm interrupted by a rogue who steps into the room and orders the lady out. He then closes the room. I'm really pissed. It's Max doing this crap. He's the one who manages to get any creatures to work for him.

Battle For HappinessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin