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Hi again. I'm still having hope that someday I will be talking to a lot of you and you will be on my skylarks list.

I'm excited to be part of Wattpad and I'm not going to give up just like that.



Ever since I saw Jac run into that forest, I'm more worried about him. He's not yet even back. It's been a day now. I'm suspicious about his behaviors. He disappears then comes back saying he's from home. Where's his home even? Is it through that forest? But the forest leads to the airport? Is his home out of the country? Then where does he stay? How does he even reach there?

I have to find out more about Jac.In his file, he's just a citizen who has no crime record. He's been to schools in Ireland. Is that where his home is? Gosh I'm tired of being a stalker. I wish I could see if Jac is lying to me or not but he just knows how to hide his emotions. They can't even show on his face.

I'm at Trina's house. I need her help. She's so good at stalking people. Not that she stalks people but she can find out more about someone once you ask her to. Of course it's not free. She wanted to be a spy but her parents destroyed everything by forcing her to study business. Out of anger, she refused to do their family business. She instead got a part time job at Kendall's.

She can be crazy once disturbed. The only thing I envy about her is her knowledge. She's so bright. Should I say she was born knowing technology, history and biology. She knows all about vampires, werewolves, Greek mythology, bla bla. I'm not telling you more. It's just too much about her.

"So in short you want me to find out if Blake has a big secret?" She asks after I explain my story. She also hands me coffee as she sits opposite me on her couch.

"It's more of his background."

"Why do you want to know more about him if I may ask?"

"It's nothing. Just help me."

"It can't be nothing. I know you have a crush on him but let me be sincere with you, you are not his type."

"Trina let's not go there. Just tell me are you helping me or not?"

"What's in for me?"

"What do you want this time?"

"Just tell me what you really want with Blake and why you can't leave him?"

"That's the price?"


I sigh. "I love him." She only laughs loudly at me.

"You are crazy Hazel. Blake can't love you."

"Why? What can't I give him?"

"A lot. You are just his secretary. You don't know Blake well. He's not like other guys who want to be with ladies in bed. He has some one he truly loves and if you were really that close to him like me, you would know. It's written in his unique gold eyes."

"Just find out what I've told you to find and ignore my love life."

"I would if I were just a friend or cousin of yours who didn't care. Hazel, all that Blake needs from you is a true friend. He doesn't need a lover."

"Trinaaaaa! Stop it!"

"Fine but don't say I didn't warn you when you are broken some day and Blake won't care. Trust me."

"Call him Jac! Why go all the way to Blake?"

"See. You can't even be happy that you are the only one who calls him Jac but anyway you are right. You shouldn't be happy because he likes the name Blake more and you couldn't even see that and yet you love him. Hahaha. Very funny."

"I'm unique after all. I'm the only one who calls him Jac."

"Go ahead and dream cousin. You think he will like you for that?"

"I know he will and you will be the first I invite to our wedding."

"I'll be honored but if only it felt like it would happen."

"You suck Trina."

"Thank you."

I roll my eyes at her and leave as she's laughing loudly. She even shouts at me. "Make sure you don't fall down. Blake won't be on your side in the hospital once you break a bone."

"Fuck you Trina!" I'm too pissed so don't judge me.

I get home where I find dad. I'm surprised he's not in a bad mood. Jac isn't at work today, so he should be screaming on top of his voice right now. Mum is busy preparing for lunch.

"Oh beautiful, you look pissed. Did you have a row with Trina again?"

"Kind of." I settle myself into the couch on dad's right. "How come you didn't come to work today?"

"I'm feeling a little sick but I will be there. Is Blake there?"

So he doesn't know? I'm scared to tell him but I just spill it out. "He's not in town, I think."

"He hasn't called you?"

"Not this time."

"He must be having problems home if only he could share them and we try to help. I can't afford to lose such a professional worker. Just a week on duty and I'm already having profits. He's a blessing. Whatever God put in him!"

"So you are not angry?"

"Angry? No! I'm fine so long as he doesn't quit his job and leave forever."

"I agree with you there."

"I think whoever it is you are talking about, he's a king. He seems to be too good. Why don't you invite him over for dinner so I can see this king." Mum comments and suggests at the same time.

"Good idea and I will invite Trina as well. He mentioned knowing her. They are good friends."

"Really?" I act like I'm surprised and I'm since it's Jac who seems to have said it this time round.

"Year he was like she's just like him. They have lots in common."

"Like what?"

"You seem too concerned. Are you falling for him?" Mum asks interrupting again.

"No, I'm just surprised."

"About what? Blake is as bright as Trina. He said they both like werewolf stories and movies. They both like......oh Gosh I'm tired of speaking. Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"I will." I will surely ask him. Trina can't be the one to take Jac away from me. I would rather kill her. I swear.


Wow Hazel is a jealous babe. I pity Raven to have such an unknown enemy.

Okay guys till next time.

The only good thing that has happened to me in this quarantine is that I've finally got to share my talent with you, my skylarks (the readers) I really love you.

Support me, please.


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