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I'm not interested in this Alpha thing right now. Besides, I'm tired of the killing and fighting like I was made for that only. I'm also tired of hearing mum asking me to find my mate who I highly believe is not there. I mean why would the moon goddess pair me with someone yet I'm a monster. I kill, I hurt and I doubt I will ever love. I'm even pitying that unlucky girl who will be paired with me.

Since I want to take a break from my world, I have got a job in the human world. I'm going to be a company manager. You will wonder how I got this job but trust me I do every thing in the human world twice better than the real humans. I'm beginning work on Monday, so I got the whole weekend to myself and there's no way I'm going back home to take the throne right now.

I've already got an appartment and a favorite cafeteria to eat in once I don't want to cook something home. I've managed to befriend some human girl called Trina who works at the restaurant. She's a fan of werewolves but if only she knew, we exist.

Anyway, today is Saturday and I'm hanging around the cafeteria. I'm already smart enough to impress every one I pass by. I'm seated outside the cafeteria viewing the beach and looking at some humans relax. The reason I like the cafeteria is because it's near the beach. When I'm tired, I get up to go in. Just then, some girl bumps into me and soaks my shirt with all her juice. I am angry and I want to growl at her but I control my wolf's eyes from appearing.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay." I cut her off before she suggests helping me clean it.

"I was really not minding my paths, please let me help you."

"It's very okay. I'll handle it, excuse me." I'm about to leave but she stops me. There's a way she's staring at me with a wide grin.

"I'm Hazel." She lets out her hand for me to receive yet I'm not interested.


"Nice to meet you."

"It's nicer to meet you." I lie making her blush and shy away. I understand the reaction because I'm sure I'm really hot to humans because there's a way I'm extremely better than the cutest human guy. The Moon Goddess did it all.

Anyway, I pull my hand from hers and leave before she asks to meet me some other day. I go back to my appartment and get ready again then I stay home trying to watch television. I'm really bored. Just then I sense something. It's from home. They are not okay. No, wait. It's dad fooling me to get back home. Anyway, my phone rings.

"You can't keep ignoring your responsibilities like that, Blake."

" I know that dad and I'm not ignoring them. I'm just exploring the human world."

"What's really interesting in those creatures?"

"I'm finding out."

"Will you stop being crazy and get back here? The kingdom needs you!"

"I can come when you are in war. I'm interested in tearing some flesh you know."

"You are overseas Blake. You need to fly back on an aeroplane."

"You think?"

"I don't know where you are exactly but just bring that big head here. I'll put some sense into it."

"We both know you just miss me and it sucks. Anyway, later."


I cut him off and grab the remote to look for a better channel.

... ... ...

Monday has reached and I'm early at work. I go to my office and begin working. After some good long time, people begin arriving and working. I can hear all the mummurs from up here in my office and I can sense their scent as well. It sucks. Well, to me. I just don't like their scent.

My boss, Henry Crip, opens the door to my office with papers in his other hand. I look up and get up as a sign of respect.

"Good morning,sir."

"Good morning my boy. That's a nice start."

"Thanks, sir."

"You should come and know your fellow workers."

"As you wish sir."

I follow him out until downstairs where everyone falls silent on seeing their, I mean our boss. They are all amazed at the extra beauty next to him, that's me. Told you humans found me unique and too good for them to judge.

We stand in the center of the cubes where other workers do their duties.

"Good morning to you all." They murmur quick responses before falling quiet again. "This is Jacob Blake, the new manager of the company."

They all clap. I wonder why cause that's not something worth clapping for. Maybe it's cause of the extra beauty in me. I'm over blowing my trumpet, so I'm surely stopping here. I'm no longer saying I'm handsome or cute or hot bla bla bla. Anyway, Henry turns me around to introduce me to his daughter and my secretary.

I'm shocked after seeing the girl I wanted to avoid all my entire life or time when I'm in the human world.

"This is Hazel, my daughter and your secretary."

I manage to fake a smile and offer my hand for a hand shake. She receives it with so much passion in her eyes. Oh my Goodness, she's blushing! I hide the smile that's coming up.

"Okay, let me leave you to get to know each other." Henry left after that.

"I can't believe we are meeting again."

"So you know me?" I pretend like I don't remember her.

"Yes. We met at the cafeteria on Saturday." I raise my eyebrow as if I'm not getting what she's talking about. "The juice incident. I poured juice on your shirt after bumping into you."

"Ohh! That! Hi."

She smiles after I've remembered her. She's very happy and she has a very wide smile on her face like a god has remembered her. "Hi Jac, I really missed you. I was praying we meet again like crazy."

My eyebrows are up again because I'm surprised and she realizes it.

"Well, it's the truth. I don't know why but I just liked you so much."

"Hazel, take a break and control yourself. We just met and why would you say that?"


"Shall we get working please?" I speak as I climb the stairs and head to my office. She sighs, shakes her head and follows me to her office.

Hazel is good at work, I must say. She is serious as we are working though she keeps on blushing once I do something she wants me to do. Like I accidentally touched her arm as she showed me some files today and she tried to hide the smile that was forming between her lips but she didn't manage to hide the red color on her cheeks. That made me disgusted and I pulled away my arm.

Right now I'm home trying to sleep but she's in my mind. Why is she so happy with me? She doesn't even know she's liking a monster. She's nuts. How can you like a guy you just bumped into so much? Now I'm a werewolf and she doesn't know that.

Anyway I shake my head and try to sleep. My phone rings and it's mum.

"Blake, are you even enjoying being with those creatures?"

"Will you sleep and mind about tomorrow mum?"

"I can't knowing that our Alpha is not sleeping in the territory. You know without you, our pack is nothing. It's not like we have a Luna."

"So what are you?"

"Blake, I'm a grand Luna."

I sigh. "Mum I'm sleepy. We shall talk tomorrow."


I end the call and sleep.

Don't get this discouraged. Please continue to the next chapter. Support me today and tomorrow will be my turn to do the same for you.

I really love you all, trust me.

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