14: Clash

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The scores are of the form boys' team - girl's team.

Chapter 14:


Just like a particular memorable event, they would be playing two quarters again. Both teams lined-up. Sora, Akira, Chihaya, Eru and Yukiji on one side and Akashi, Murasakibara, Aomine, Midorima and Haizkai on the other. Sora braced herself.

Tip off!

Murasakibara took the ball. He passed to Aomine. Aomine made his way towards the hoop. But he was stopped by Akira. Both of them went one on one. Aomine retained the ball. He had however been pushed a little far from the hoop. So he passed it to Midorima.

3 - 0.

Sora got the ball. She passed it to Yukiji without even thinking. She had just done it in the nick of time. Akashi had come to cover her. Yukiji was blocked by Haizaki. Yukiji passed to Eru. Eru shot. But unfortunately, her shot was blocked by Murasakibara. Murasakibara passed to Akashi. Akashi was blocked by Sora. He tried to pass to Aomine but Sora back-tipped him and took the ball. Sora in turn tried to pass to Akira, but Akashi managed to take the ball. He passed to Haizaki. Haizaki charged. He got past Yukiji but he was blocked by Chihaya. He got past her and scored.

5 - 0.

Sora looked at the score in horror. She had apparantly gambled without calculating too much. This was bad.....

The ball was with Chihaya this time. Murasakibara knocked it from her hands. Aomine caught it. He tried to pass to Midorima. But Eru caught it just in time. She shot quickly but the shot was blocked by Murasakibara again. He passed it to Aomine again. Aomine scored.

7 - 0.

"This is bad.... This is really bad....." Sora was muttering.

"Sora-chan, you okay?" asked Akira with some amount of concern.

"No. I'm not. Akira.... we need a time-out. See if you can convince senpai.... heck, I'll go myself."

Chihaya didn't need much convincing. The gom were on a streak and it was remotely possible that a time out might just break it.

"Did you have anything in mind kouhai?" said Chihaya.

"I'm not sure, senpai but I do have a few things in mind."


"Well, first we're doing much more worse than last time. This is probably because of Murasakibara-san."

"I got two shots! Wait, how does he even block three pointers?"

"Eru-senpai.... I think I may have a suggestion."


"Could you, by chance increase the time you take to shoot but increase the height of the shot itself? Something like what Midorima-san does."

"I don't know, kouhai. But eitherway, it'll decrease my range...."

"I don't think that matters at this point."

"Oh and they keep trying to pass to that shooting guard." said Chihaya. "That's quite a problem."

"Hmm.... Senpai, why don't Eru-senpai and Yukiji-san switch marks...."

"What?! Why?" said Yukiji.

"No. Think about it. If senpai were to mark Haizaki, she'd be nearer to the hoop. And besides, you're the best at marking. That's where Midorima-san's really weak. His shooting position. Trust me, I've played against him."

"Fine...." said Yukiji doubtfully.

"You sure about this kouhai?" questioned Chihaya.

"I don't know senpai.... but we might be just one step forward than last time."

The match resumed.

Murasakibara got the ball. He passed it to Haizaki. Hazaki got past Eru. He passed to Aomine. Aomine tried to pass to Midorima. Midorima got into a shooting position, but Yukiji knocked the ball out of his hands. Sora took the ball. Akashi blocked her. Sora tried to do an overhead pass, but Akashi took the ball when she raised it above her head. He passed it to Aomine. Aomine scored.

9 - 0.

"Well, it's not too bad I suppose." muttered Akira.

"What do you mean?" questioned Sora.

"Well, there's only a minute left and we've still got them in a single digit even though we didn't get even one ball in....."

Sora felt herself grow cold. "There's only one more minute?"

"Well, yeah...."

"No...... No....."


Chihaya got the ball. She passed it to Akira. Akira was blocked. So she passed to Sora. Sora barely managed to pass it to Eru. Eru shot. She was blocked by Murasakibara again. But this time, Sora was behind him when he landed. She took the ball by a backtip. Akashi came to block her but she shifted in the last minute and scored.

9 - 2.

Everyone stared at Sora like she was mad. She had an almost desperate expression. There was a pin drop silence on the court. And then Akashi began to laugh. His laugh resounded in the silence.

The game resumed. Everyone began to play with much more interest. The gom had realized that perhaps all was not well after all. The girls, for their part, had realized that they did have a chance after all.

Yukiji got the ball. She passed it to Akira. Akira and Aomine went head on. Aomine took the ball from Akira. He surged forward. He passed Chihaya and scored.

11 - 2.

Eiji sensei blew the whistle. The first quarter was over. Both teams began to make their way off the court. Akashi addressed Sora.

"Himeji, remember, you're not the only one who has everything to lose."

Akira heard him and raised her eyebrows.


At the bench, everyone was looking at Sora.

"Nae, are you hiding something?" questioned Chihaya.

"Is he threatening you Sora-chan?! You've been a bit weird for this entire match!" exclaimed Akira.

"Oh, no! Nothing like that....." said Sora.


"Kouhai, you know, you might be withholding essential info." said Chihaya with slight concern.

"Oh, it has nothing to do with the match."

"You can trust us to be discreet." said Eru.

Sora sighed. "We had a bet."

"What if you lose?" said Akira suspiciously.

"Uncertain terms...."

Akira's jaw dropped. "Sora....."

"Kouhai...." began Chihaya. "Well, then we just have to win. Got a plan?"

"Believe it or not, yeah....."

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