17: 'Sama'

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Chapter 17:


"Umm.... You called?"

Akashi turned. He had 'summoned' her up to the roof. Sora had a good idea what this was about.

"I had a tough day yesterday. Thinking about what to ask of you."

"Oh. You've made up your mind?"

"I have."


"You have to obey whatever I say. For the entire day. No matter how disagreeable you find it."


"You can start by calling me 'sama'"



"I guess I expected something like this."

"Something like this, Akashi-sama." he corrected.

"..... Whatever."

"Whatever, Akashi-sama." he said again.

"Argh! Fine...... Akashi.....sama."

"Good." he said with an evil grin. "Now accompany me back to class."


Sora collapsed in her seat. This was going to be one long day. And it had barely started.

"So? What was it?" asked Akira, curious.

"Absolute obedience as he puts it. Just for today." said Sora dully.

"Well, stack this to the evils of gambling." said Yukiji. "Here. It's a bookmark. Lucky item for Leo today."

"Thanks." said Sora, taking it.

"Himeji." said a voice behind her. "Come."

Sora got up, gritting her teeth.


He waited patiently till she corrected her 'yes' to 'what is it, Akashi-sama?'

"I....ah....forgot to bring the register down today. Terrible of me, being the monitor and all, no? Fetch it from the staffroom please."

Sora had a very good idea about Akashi's memory. "Fine." She turned to leave.

"I haven't dismissed you."

"Will that be all, Akashi-sama?"

"Yes. You may leave." he said with a smirk.

Sora mouthed 'counting the hours' to Akira before leaving for the book.


"Himeji, did you bring it up?"

"Yes, Akashi-san...sama."

The gom were having lunch on the roof.

"You're overworking her!" protested Akira. Akashi turned to Sora. "Is it so, Himeji?"

Sora just stared back stonily making him laugh.

"Sadist!" exclaimed Akira.

"Well, bets seem to be useful." commented Aomine. "Oi, Akira, want a bet match? Five to win."

"Aho! Bet match my foot!"

"You afraid, woman?"

"You want to hear me swear....." began Akira. "Enough!" intervened Sora.

"I command you to step aside, Himeji." said Aomine with a grin.

"Unfortunately, the penalty doesn't extend to you, Aomine-san." said Sora frigidly.

"That's right, Aomine. She's my possession." said Akashi. Sora glared at him.

"Sora-chan doesn't 'belong' to you....." began Akira again.

"You know, the sanity of this gathering seems to be diminishing day by day." commented Yukiji.

"That's right, nanodayo."

Kuroko and Murasakibara nodded too.


The bell rang for the final period. Sora was slumped in her seat. God, this had been annoying.


Sora slowly turned.

"I need you to go to the roof. I think I left my pencil case there."

Sora dragged her feet up the steps. Unconsciously she was almost counting the number of steps.

When she reached the roof top, she found that the roof was already taken. There seemed to be some sort of fight going on between some guys from her year. Sora only knew them vaguely. She decided that it was probably none of her business and quietly looked for the case.

Until one of them tried to smash another guy's head on the rail. Sora couldn't help letting out a cry. They momentarily stopped fighting. Apparently, they hadn't been serious.

"Eh.... Oi, Tora some girls' concerned about you."

"Oh is it?" said the guy straightening up. "No harm done. See? Cheer up girl."

"I couldn't care less if you pushed him down from the roof. Only, having to be a witness would be such a pain. Please, has anyone seen a pencil case?"

The guys laughed again.

"Go help your friend."

"No, you do it, since you're so concerned...."

Himeji swore lightly. She finally found Akashi's pouch in a corner. She went to take it, but one of them stepped on it.

"You just....." said Sora horrified. "Move!"

"This so important?" he said scratching it on the ground despite her protests.


"Tora, tell your girlfriend to quit screaming...."

"Girlfriend? I think your assumption may be incorrect." said someone who arrived behind her.

"Akashi-sama, I think your pouch has undergone a lot of trials." said Sora pointing to it.

"Sama?" said one of the guys, confused.

"So it has." said Akashi. "And I won't insult you by asking you to take it down....."

"You're just going to throw it? That's such a waste....."

"Go down. We'll talk later."

"Akashi..... What are you thinking?" said Sora suspiciously.

"Wait for me downstairs. It's an order."


"You might get into trouble one day you know....." said Sora when Akashi arrived. He'd come down sooner than she had expected.

"I won't." he said confidently.


"Hmm.... I guess it's time we were off. I wonder what I should ask you to do last....."

"Ummm...... Isn't what I've already done enough?"

"Fine then. I'll give you a simple one. Call me Seijuro-sama. Just once."

"Se... Seijuro-sama."

He smiled. "And now you are a free woman."

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