Carbon Copy

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Hello, my lovelies, how has your week been? I know you guys must be frustrated and angry with me. I'm sorry, but the story had to take this route, otherwise, I would have had to make the book shorter. However, trust me, you will love what I have planned. I know that some of you will still not be happy with this crazy journey that I'm taking you on, but I realise that in life, you can't please everyone. If after a few more chapters you're still not interested in following me on this adventure then, I wouldn't feel any way if you decided to drop this story.  

Remember, I love you guys and I do take your views into consideration. 


Killian's P.O.V

Five years later

F**k doctors, they don't know shit about me or what I'm dealing with. I don't need to be told that my mind is f**ked up, I've known this all my life, and I sure as hell don't need any pills to keep me sane.

"You need to take the f**king meds that the doctor gave you. I'd had to rescue five women from you just this week alone. It's got to stop, man."

Mik handed me my drink. I took it and drained the entire content in the glass. It was my sixth shot of whiskey for the night. I was hoping it would help me numb the pain in my heart, and it was doing a pretty good job until Mik showed up.

"If you've got nothing good to say, then leave me the f**k alone."

I didn't want to hear his rambling any more than I have to. I just want to drink myself into a dark hole. It was valentine day, and for some reason, Red's smile on the day that she died has decided to haunt me.

"I miss her too, we all miss her, but you've got to pull yourself together before you get yourself killed. You've been reckless and downright dangerous to work with. And when you're off your meds you're even crazier."

Mik continued talking, ignoring my request to be left alone. If he was anyone else, I would have already put a bullet in him.

"Who the hell are you, my caretaker? Just f**k off and leave me the hell alone."

Mik sighed loudly, running his fingers through his hair. He leaned back in the chair, taking the glass of whiskey that he has been nursing since we arrived at the club and finishing it.

"All I'm saying is to take it easy. You've got two kids to worry about now. You have to remember that Lilly didn't only belong to you, her kids miss their mum. They witness the death of both their parents and they need you to be there for them. They need a sane, sound-minded Killian, not this drunk, crazy f**ker that is in front of me."

He had a point, I knew he did, it's just that I couldn't see it. I just wanted to be left alone to wallow in my pity. I wanted to miss my wife in peace.

"Can you just f**k off and let me just have this one f**king night, I promise you I'll be on my good behaviour tomorrow."

Mik swore, then mumble something about being with his wife instead of having to babysit me. It pissed me off, but I didn't let it show. At least he had a wife to go home to and all I had was the ghost of mine.

He got up, deciding to leave me to my pity party. I was glad because I didn't think I could take any more of his rambling. I knew he meant well, but I was too drunk and f**ked up in the head to care.

"I'm going to go to the bar and tell them not to give you anything more for the night. I can't believe I have to limit your alcohol intake like some overly concerned parent."

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