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"if you understand each other you will be kind to each other. knowing a man well never leads to hate and almost always leads to love." ~ John Steinbeck

~february 1972~

"Mary, you walk so slow," Artemis complained, jogging ahead a few steps and turning to look back at the other three girls impatiently.

Mary looked up at Artemis with her wide-eyed impossibe-to-get-mad-at face and smiled softly. "What's the rush?" she asked, not bothering to quicken her step. "Curfew isn't for another half hour."

"And at this pace, that's when we'll get to the common room," Artemis muttered.

Marlene quickened her step to catch up with Artemis and gave her a crooked-toothed grin. "What do you care, anyways?" she asked. "You were just talking to James about making a plan to sneak out again."

"Yeah, but that's fun stuff," Artemis said with an impatient sigh. "Getting caught out of bed past curfew is boring. The boys do it all the time anyways."

"Or at least they say they do," said Lily. "Severus said he talked to Lucius Malfoy the other day and apparently he's only caught the boys out of bed once or twice. I think they're making it up to sound cool."

Artemis turned around so she was facing forward and Marlene caught her eye. Both girls rolled their eyes at the same time and then burst into giggles. Then, from up ahead, Artemis heard voices. "Sounds like James and Sirius," Marlene said, catching Artemis's eye.

"Let's see what they're up to," said Artemis, jogging ahead of the girls once again with renewed excitement. The other girls followed her more hesitantly, and all four of them slowed as the voices of James and Sirius mingled with that of Severus Snape. "Uh-oh..." Artemis murmured as she caught the few snippets of conversation.

"Gonna go crying back to your mum, Snivellus?" Sirius jeered, a biting edge to his voice.

From around the corner, the girls could hear James laugh. "Yeah, and while you're at it, take a shower. Or did you just? I can never tell if you've just taken a dip in the black lake or if you're always that greasy."

"Oh no they don't," Lily muttered, and brushed past Artemis and Marlene. Both girls reached out to pull her back, but Lily dodged them and strode around the corner to face the boys. Marlene looked helplessly back at Mary and Artemis, who shrugged their shoulders simultaneously. Marlene let out an exasperated sigh, then turned without saying anything and followed Lily. Artemis and Mary exchanged a glance, then trailed behind reluctantly. When they caught up with the others, Lily was standing at Severus's side, her hands on her hips, glaring impenetrably at James and Sirius, who were looking entirely unimpressed.

"I can't believe you two!" Lily was half-shouting, her expression thunderous as Sirius tried in vain to keep a smile off his face. "What's Severus ever done to you?"

"Aside from act like a great ruddy git?" James drawled, the corner of his mouth failing to remain straight for just a second.

Lily stared at him in utter outrage. "You're disgusting- you know that?" she said, her voice more hushed than before. Artemis felt that Lily was almost scarier when she was quiet than when she was shouting. "You always act like Slytherins are such big bullies- but you're just as bad! Sev's never done anything to you, and you treat him like- like-"

"The rat that he is?" Sirius snickered. Severus took a step towards him menacingly, but Marlene grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back.

Artemis bit down on her lower lip in preparation for Lily to start shouting again. She wished Sirius and James wouldn't provoke her like this. "I hate you!" Lily said, her voice cracking as her hands balled into fists. "I hate you both, and I- I'll never speak to you again! As long as I live! Come on, Sev-" And with that, Lily turned on her heel, took Severus by the arm, and marched down the hall.

/𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒\ [𝒔. 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌]Where stories live. Discover now