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"and now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good." ~ John Steinbeck

~may 1972~

"Shhhhh, shut up, Peter," James hissed as he led the way across the grounds to the broom shed outside the quidditch pitch. "Hagrid's hut is literally right there."

Peter let out a little squeak and put a hand over his mouth. Sirius looked over his shoulder, rolled his eyes, and quickened his step to lead the way to the door of the shed. "Alohamora," he whispered, and there was a little click as the lock unhinged itself. "Come on."

Sirius held the door open for the rest of the boys as they snuck into the shed. When they were all gathered inside and Remus lit his wand, Sirius let the door close gently behind them. James surveyed the lines of brooms hanging on the walls and let out a low whistle. "Take your pick, boys."

Remus walked slowly down the line of brooms, surveying each one. "You know, we really shouldn't be doing this," he said, though he didn't sound too worried about it.

"Oh, don't ruin it with all your garbage about 'rules'" snorted James. "Just pick a broom and let's go."

Peter already had a broom in hand and was sizing it up, trying to remember how Madam Hooch had told him to get it started in flying class. Sirius was pretending to decide between two completely identical brooms, but really he was trying to figure out how to get out of this. Maybe if he pretended to be sick... "You know, this is stupid," he said at last. "We could totally think up a better end-of-year prank."

James turned and scrutinized Sirius. "Oh yeah? Like what? I mean, come on- we planned this for weeks. It's perfect."

"Yeah..." Sirius muttered, "guess so." He gritted his teeth together and grabbed one of the brooms he'd been debating between without really thinking about it. "Let's go then."

The four boys traipsed back outside with their chosen brooms- all except for Sirius practically dancing in excitement. Sirius tilted his head to look up at the stars scattered across the sky and sighed. "Come on, Sirius!" Peter whisper-shouted. "Let's go!"

"Right..." Sirius mounted his broom and looked around at his friends doing the same. James gave him an overexcited grin, then kicked off and floated up into the black sky. Remus and Peter followed. Sirius looked up and was surprised at how balanced Remus looked on a broom. He kept up just fine with James, who was always bragging about how he'd been flying since he was four years old. Peter, on the other hand, was wobbling precariously like he might fall off at any second. Sirius let out a little sigh and kicked off, trying as hard as he could to force down the nerves in his stomach.

Sirius and Peter followed James and Remus zooming towards the school, up, up, further and further. Sirius took deep breaths, focusing as hard as he could on not looking down and not throwing up. "Come on!" James called behind him, "let's go knock on Frank's window!"

"Yeah, that'll scare him," Remus chuckled, dipping below the upper branches of a tree and making a complicated maneuver to dodge the leaves.

James watched him in wonder. "Remus... why can't you try out for the team next year? You're a natural."

Remus blushed, but his face fell ever so slightly. "I- well, I wouldn't have the time. With classes and everything. Anyways, how're you doing, Peter?"

"Great!" Peter squealed, although he was just barely hanging onto broom by his legs. "We- we should scare the girls too."

"Brilliant idea, Peter!" James cried, reaching out to clap Peter on the shoulder, but thinking better of it at the last second. "One of your best! Let's go- come on, Sirius! -Sirius? What's wrong?"

/𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒\ [𝒔. 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌]Where stories live. Discover now