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"perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition." ~ James Baldwin

~july 1972~

Art walked through the door of her mother's house and immediately felt a seismic shift in the universe. She couldn't place it exactly until she entered the living room. "Mum... where'd all of Dad's books go?" she asked in a hushed voice. 

Her mother winced slightly as she leaned in the doorway. "Ahh, I did some cleaning, Artie. Don't you think it looks better this way, anyways?" 

Artemis shook her head. "Where did you put them?" 

"The attic," Jane said in a relenting voice. She moved to the side as her daughter brushed past her and headed straight for the stairs. "Why don't you two go pack anyways?" she called after her. "Artemis- wait!" Artemis stopped halfway up the stairs and turned to her mother with an obstinate expression, her arms folded across her chest. "Don't forget clothes, anything you'll need for school next year, and maybe a few books, okay? Perseus, same goes for you. I don't know if Gregory and Isobel will be taking you to- to Diagonal Alley, or whatever it is." 

Percy looked up from the little hutch filled with family pictures he'd been examining. The one in his hand was of himself and his father about a year before Andrew died. They were standing in front of some lake Artemis couldn't place and were both wearing broad smiles and holding fishing poles. "I'm not going," Percy said calmly. 

"What? Of course you are, go pack," Jane retorted, sounding exasperated. 

Percy shook his head. "I'm going to Ivan's for the summer. I thought I told you." 

Jane's expression froze. Artemis could she was racking her brain, trying to remember whether or not Percy told her. "Right..." she said at last, very slowly. "I don't remember that. Why can't you just go to your aunt and uncles?" 

"Because I already told Ivan I was going to his house," said Percy. 

Jane's mouth hardened into a thin line and for once, Artemis hoped she wouldn't let Percy go. She stood on the steps and watched hopefully, wishing her mother's ignorance would somehow prove to be useful. "Well- fine, then." Artemis's face fell, but Percy's brightened considerably. Jane was looking sour. "You'd still better pack, I suppose. And you'll have to be the one to tell your aunt and uncle what's happening, I don't have the time. Actually, I have to work tomorrow so I'll be leaving around the same time as they pick you up. I trust you'll both be polite." She gave Artemis a sharp look and Artemis looked away quickly. "And Percy, you'll have to figure out transportation to your friends house. I can't focus on that right now." 

Percy shrugged. "Whatever," he muttered, and followed Artemis up the stairs, the picture of him and their father still in his hand. 

Artemis didn't go into her own room once she got upstairs, instead choosing to trail behind Percy to his. "Why can't you just come with me?" she asked, sitting down on his bed before he could try and kick her out. "Only reason I came home from school was that I thought we were going together." 

Percy gave her an odd look and carefully started taking the picture of their father out of its frame. "I promised my friend I would stay with him this summer. This has nothing to do with you, Art." 

"Yes it does!" she protested. "I can't stay there alone! Here- what if you asked your friend if I could stay there too? You could take me with you, Perc! I wouldn't be any trouble, I swear, I wouldn't even talk to you if you didn't want me to- I just-" 

Percy finally managed to remove the picture from the frame, then tossed the frame into the garbage can in the corner of the room. Artemis flinched when she heard the glass crack. "Jesus, Art, you know I can't take you. Ivan's family is pureblood, they don't want a little half-blood Gryffindor running around." Artemis tried to keep the hurt out of her expression, but failed. Percy noticed immediately and his face softened ever so slightly. "Look, what if I stay there with you the first night?" he asked. "Just until you get settled, and then I'll go to Ivan's." 

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