"𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐥𝗼𝗼𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝗼 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆, 𝐈 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 - 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘."
Selene Black is the younger and only sister of Sirius Black, born the year Sirius ran away from home. After her other brother and her parents die, and Sirius is impri...
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Time skip...
March was approaching faster. It was already the last week of February. My relationship with Remus grew stronger and stronger as the days passed, he and Monica started to get all along pretty well. They became best friends, and they had a somewhat uncle and niece relationship, which I found really adorable.
Four months to go, and I'll be graduating.
That also meant that since March was around the corner, it was Remus's month. His birthday was on March 10th. Ever since I overheard Dumbledore having a discussion with Mcgonagall about Remus' brithday, Monica and I have been planning recently on a celebration for his birthday. We visualized a grand party in the Great Hall, much like the Welcoming Feast but more splendid.
Just the other day, Monica and I settled the invitations. The invitations were for everyone who adored Remus as their teacher, everyone who respected and loved him, including the teachers. We didn't sleep that much because we spent the whole night preparing the invitations.
Fred and George had volunteered to use fireworks and some entertaining spells for the party, but of course, Monica and I disagreed knowing it would be too dangerous and might do some great damage to the Great Hall, or worst, the whole castle.
Around the 8th of March, the two of us walked around the castle (before and after our classes), delivering invitations to all those who were invited. Nods and greetings of thank yous,see you theres, and your welcomes were exchanged.
Towards the end of the day, the remaining invitations were for Mcgonagall. I decided that it would be Mcgonagall's job to inform Dumbledore about our plan for Remus' birthday celebration in the Great Hall and that he would be the one to decide if the party will or not continue as planned.
The two of us were on our way to Mcgonagall's office to deliver her invitation, thoughts were bubbling in my head. Would she agree? Or not? Will our planning for Remus's birthdays in the invitations go to waste? Will she tell Dumbledore?
But whatever her answer will be, what was important that Remus would be able to celebrate his birthday alive and well, whether it was going to be a grand party or not.
"Well well, Ms. Dowson and Ms. Black, the two of you out for a little walk are we?"
Monica flinched; I cursed under my breath and the two of exchanged annoyed looks. For we knew exactly, that, we were caught and were clearly in trouble. And that person was none other than –
"Professor Snape." the two of us said in unison, facing Snape at last. He was looking very suspicious at us, his arms were crossed and was wearing the same snide look in his eyes that he always wore even during a joyous occasion.
"What are you two doing wandering here in this corridor?" he asked, approaching the two of us.
I tried to open my mouth in response but Monica replied to Snape's question immediately for me. "We were going to deliver something to Professor Mcgonagall, an important matter." she said bluntly.
Snape raised his brow. "And – what exactly is this important matter?"
"Well, that's none of your business. Now if you'll excuse us, Monica and I need to give Professor Mcgonagall this –" I said coldly, reaching to my pocket to make sure the small envelope was there, but when my hand was shoved inside my pocket, I realized it was missing and Monica had noticed it too, as evident from her pale face and her widened eyes.
"Are you looking for this?" he said, raising his hand to reveal that he had the envelope in his hand. "Well, I'm afriad that I might have noticed it inside your pocket, Ms. Black."
I looked at him with disgust and anger as he slowly opened the invitation. I heard Monica saying no under her breath, but it was so quiet that it seemed like Snape didn't hear her. "Hmm, follow me to my office. The both of you." he spat venomously, as Monica and I slowly walked behind him.
We entered his cold and dark office, which sent shivers down my spine remembering the time where Snape had hurt me physically, and I thought back then that I couldn't make it until Remus came in. He signalled for the two of us to sit down, and we obeyed. He sat down, his eyes venomous like a snake's bite, met ours. He was still holding the invitation, and read it sarcastically.
You are invited to celebrate Remus Lupin's 34th birthday. Assemble in the Great Hall at exactly 7:00 in the evening. We hope to see you there!
He placed the letter on his desk.
"How, thoughtful of you two," said Snape. "Especially you, Ms. Black. Tell me, why is it that you plan to do this? Was it because ever since Lupin had helped you after I had laid my hands on you? Was it because you two had the audacity to dance together at the ball?"
I widened my eyes. "How –"
"Or maybe because you two snuck out of the castle during Valentine's day?"
"You knew," I snapped. "You've been spying on us, haven't you?!"
"My thoughts were correct then, you did meet a werewolf. Although you told me months ago that you haven't, you failed to hide the truth." he said.
"You really are a prick, Snivellus!" I said coolly. His eyes bulged and burned with humiliation and anger, Monica's head shot towards me looking shocked and she didn't know what to say.
"How dare you call me that. Has somebody told you about that?! Did Lupin tell you?! Or did your brother tell you?!" he roared, I refused to answer his question and instead stared at him like he was nothing.
He crossed his arms. "Get out of my sight you two before I see you heading to the train to return home tonight! I believe Ms. Black you have lost 25 points from Gryffindor because of your behavior and association with dark creatures and Ms. Dowson, 5 more points from your house for being Ms. Black's accomplice. And I'm most sorry to say that Lupin will have to celebrate his birthday by himself, not in the Great Hall with all the people who adore him. There will be no party! And if in anyway, you plan to continue your plan, I will see to it that the both of you will get expelled."
We left Snape's office with angry looks, but we weren't only angry, but also sad.
Snape had ruined Remus's perfect birthday.
A/n: hellooooo!! it's been 3 days and I finally updated!
All I want to say so far is thank you to everyone for helping this fanfic 4k reads!!! I'm speechless! Can't wait to see what happens next, but thank you thank you to everyone for your votes, and thoughtful comments! Ily all from the bottom of my heart ♡︎