130| The End

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A/N: Yep, the title says it ;)

The castle was unnaturally stuck in an eerie silence, there were no longer flashes of light to be seen, nor bangs or screams or any signs of violence

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The castle was unnaturally stuck in an eerie silence, there were no longer flashes of light to be seen, nor bangs or screams or any signs of violence.

We were given an hour to retreat, treat our injured, and bury our dead while the Death Eaters waited for Harry.

Everyone retreated to the Great Hall, the once magical place became gloomy and surrounded by agony and death. The House tables were gone and the room was crowded.

The survivors stood in groups, their arms wrapped around in each other's necks.

The injured were being treated upon the raised platform by Madam Pomfrey and a group of
undergraduate healers- Monica included among them.

The dead lay in a row in the middle of the Hall. Those unfortunate were what I considered to be the most beautiful roses you could see in your garden- they were good, that's why they had to be taken away so early.

The four of us lay amidst the stretchers that carried the lifeless bodies. After Voldemort made his intentions clear, someone- probably a student- had found us huddled around Regulus and brought his body to the Great Hall.

We all grieved for our fallen brother. But Sirius took it the hardest, he clutched onto Regulus' blood-soaked shirt tightly and sobbed hardly.

He had just reconciled with Regulus, but not even an hour passed, and he lost him again.

I didn't grieve just for my brother, but for those who were close to me and I held so dear in my heart.

Regulus, Mad-Eye, Fred, and Luke, victims of this war, all gone forever.

I cried so much that my eyes hurt and felt like they were already swollen. The pain of loss was greater than any physical pain I'd endured my whole life.

I wanted to die instead of them. They deserved so much more. How could I still be alive when they are the ones who sacrificed themselves for me- and the world.

Remus never left my side and held me tightly, trying all his best to comfort me.

"If I just told you all about the truth earlier, this might've never happened." I sobbed onto his chest.

"Shh," he said soothingly. "It wasn't your fault. You did nothing wrong, you just wanted to protect him. It was Bellatrix's fault and her fault alone."

I heard footsteps approaching us and when I looked, it was Tonks. Her left eye was bruised badly and her dislocated hand was wrapped in thick bandages.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, kneeling and hugging me and Sirius. "W-who-"

"Bellatrix," Sirius spoke up, bitterness and rage were heard in his voice.

"I saw her, from the corridor where Regulus- I tried to defeat her, but she broke my arm in the process. She had some help, by Dolohov."

Ana's head turned, shocked and looked murderous when she heard her brother being mentioned.

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