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Date: April 1st, 2018
Location: Greendale Providence High School, Oregon

Sloane Davenport

I need to take in some serious consideration about taking a break from the night training classes at CASTA.

I lose every single hour in the day, going to school, then work and then just at least sleep. I tried getting back to sleep after my freaky nightmare but insomnia is just a bitch sometimes.

I left early so that I wouldn't have to encounter another parking spot shrew with Harry. That boy is seriously wrapped around my finger like ivy.

I hope his motorcycle breaks down on the highway before he enters the school lot.

Getting to my spot, where no sight of Harry is nowhere to be seen. While sipping on my coffee (thanks to uncle James) I reach for my backpack for the data files so I can just busy myself while sitting here.

I flip through numerously, and find pages that seem more interesting and connected. Since there's other information on Noah Lyses, I track most of his victims that he's encountered, all in which are CASTA agents.

The list goes on and on, every agent has been burned since CASTA started recruiting. From middle aged men to teenage girls, this guy is an extreme mercenary.

But from his last profile picture, he seems much younger. Wearing nothing but a black t shirt and a leather jacket and a silver chain with a cross in the middle.

It was probably taken by Dominique, who was the last agent to be close to Lyses. Spotting her name to the list of victims killed, the records date that she was killed in early April just two days before her birthday.

But this data record hasn't been updated in a while. The last date states: April, 15th 2014,

Which is weird because she was only undercover for less than a year.

Why did they state her death so late, and not even when she was undercover? Somethings not adding up here.

I keep flipping through the files until I reach Cortez, with her standard profile, assignments and missions.

Picking up the tab under MISSIONS, I flip the pages, spotting to see Alvera and Lyses together.

The papers don't have that much information to fill the back, but there's only so little cover. With my eyes moving back and forth, I see that her assignment for this states as STARTED:

March 1st, 2012. But her last seen was dated: March 29th 2013. So what was she really doing during that time period?

The only way I can tell if she is really alive is to call Cory before I head off to Ashland with Devon. I grab my burner from my backpack and speed-dial his number. He's better not be asleep.

Waiting for his reply, a hard knock on my window glass jolts me from my position. Celine's standing next my side door, and at the same time Cory picked up.

"Hello, Sloane?"

Nudging my phone in between my ear and cheek, I scurry to shuffle the data files in my backpack as Cece opens the door.

"Sloane? You there?" He responds. But I think fast to drop the call.

"Sorry, um-uh wrong number." Shutting the phone off, I drop it in my bag before Cece even questions me.

Fuck, now Cory's gonna kill me for hanging him up.

She is still standing, with the door wide open wearing an brown sweater, black pants and her black converse. Her style has passed my standard messy look with my scruffy white vans.

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