Sixty One

41 1 0

12:54 PM
Date: May 12th, 2018
Location: Greendale, Oregon

Devon Briggs

"I don't see why we have to be secretive now that she's safe. But as long as he doesn't hurt her again is what I'm mostly concerned with the most, he did murder her parents after all."

"Cory, we're doing this because Sloane is now tied to him. If SIDD finds her, she'll be living a short life either way." I protest.

Cory continues his ramble after we left Sloane's safehouse, giving his honest review after talking with Harry's friends who seem an unlikely trio to hang around more.

We're heading back to her house to pick her things up before we go back to our safehouse that her uncle designed far from headquarters.

"This all seems unreal to me." He says. "I really thought she didn't make it through the night let alone end up with him."

"She's Sloane, Cory. She made it through every examination and every mission without her family being there. That's her life's work, and she'll be a complete mess if she loses another person."

"I'd say the same for you."

I turn my head to his side profile as he drives down the highway. "What do you mean?"

"You and Sloane are the same. You came from different places with similar stories, not to be sad or anything but it's the reason why you became friends with her the first time we were training to be agents."

"She was my only friend." I corrected him. But we also treated each other like we were sisters. Not through blood but the common love we have for each other.


"All agents fall in."

I'm confused about where to go as everyone in this cold room of beds with large bags is talking with one another. It's my first day out here after the lady who took me in dropped me off and allowed me to join this task force of secret agents.

From what I can only assume is a bedroom with other "trainees" I simply line up with the people who are forming rows like what the military lines did back home.

My feet carry me over the line of people and stand between a large boy and a girl who looks at me like I'm the toy doll she didn't want from the store.

We face the person who commands all of us to silent our mouths before we get punished.

"Alright, let's get this over with. My name is Agent Russell. I will be your full time leader at CASTA and watch each and every single one of you during your time here as a rookie."

He goes over towards one of the beds and picks up a bag that was previously laid on every one before we settled.

"Can anyone tell me what this is?" He asks.

Everyone around me raises theirs without hesitation..except for me.

Agent Russell points to the girl next to me.

"That's a body bag, sir."

"Correct. You will each write your name, blood type and a family member or guardian. Remember, you will be tested to limits that are not made for the next level of agents we train here. You were each brought out by a member of this organization to compete for the spots we have here to complete the work and fight our rivals. Understood?"

"Yes sir." We all reply.

"First class meeting is at 5:00 am sharp tomorrow. You're all dismissed for today." Agent Russell leaves the room and we all scatter to the beds to complete the body bag.

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