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(*) where the song starts ;)

21:55 pm (9:55pm)
Date: May 11th, 2018
Location: Belle Fiore Winery

2 hours and 5 minutes left...

Sloane Davenport


I may look like I can do a few steps but actual dancing with the enemy was never planned.

He's only doing this for a cover-up.

Everything he does is without a doubt never pure.

He's the devil's son, dressed in a designer suit bought with the blood money of my agents from head to toe.

Whatever he has planned is just to distract me, far from taking down SIDD.

I have to remind myself every step I take that I went over in the bathroom as I tried fixing my appearance every second.


"You there, Slo?"

I nod my head, making sure my earpiece is completely stuck inside. "Yeah."

My fingers comb back my curled hair, hoping that I don't mess up whatever Devon tried to help me with.

Without the stylist being at the safe house and being tracked by our enemies, I only had Dev to take over, let alone cake my face with heavy foundation which I refused.

"Your burner should be set along with the communicator. You gotta remember what you're going up against."

Cory's voice is buzzing through the static once again. I've been in the bathroom as other girls come by and go to fix their makeup and dresses after their business is done.

"Well there's worse things than this Cory." I murmur.

"I'm not kidding, Sloane." His tone is serious. "I can't help you on this one, but it hurts me to know won't come back alive."

"Hey, remember what I said last time. This is my mess. I have to fix it. None of it's your fault."

He groans. "Just please shoot that fucker through the head."

"Trust me.." I say as I reach for my lipstick in my built-in bra, disguised as a stun grenade and re-apply a fresh layer. "He's going to be the last of my worries. I won't let him win."

"This is the only time I have with you before you go solo. Is there anything else you need?"

"Could you not fuck around with Dev again while I'm getting myself killed?"

I hear his laugh, which makes me sad. "I can't promise you that. But I'll tell her you wished her all the love and guns while you're gone."

"Thanks, Cory." I finish swiping one final layer of lipstick, popping out from my pale skin.

"See you in another life, Sloane Malone."

The line disconnects and I am once again isolated with just myself.

Standing in the mirror is the reflection of just me, at least I hope. Sandra did her best dressing me in my final appearance for the next few hours.

I've taken advantage of finding my exit points early before the buses and vans came in crowds. I didn't have the chance to find Cece and explain everything to her. At some point, I have to tell her the truth and everything that had making my life a living hell hole.

The sun is setting down soon as I watch those beautiful colors fade into midnight blue.

I just pray that this isn't the last sunset I'll ever see.

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