Thirty Four

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A/N: Before we start our chapter, most of you have heard about the situation of roe v wade being overturned. I provided a link of info abt access to abortions on my twitter and ways you can help get safe reproductive clinics. I'm truly devastated abt this and with how these decisions are affecting women in this country.

Stay safe i love u all.

22:50 (10:50pm)
Date: April 27th 2018
Location: Angel's Hell

Sloane Davenport

He was anticipating every move, rushing me into different areas as I was blinded by the colored lights bouncing on my skin. He intended to do things quickly and with a purpose. And Harry was all in for it.

Grabbing my hand, he leads me away from the corner and to the girls bathroom; the door sign scratched with scribbles, names and drawings.

Harry swings the blue door ferociously, taking me with him as my vision still maintains a hazy blur. He does a quick inspection, checking under the stalls to see if anybody is still in there.

To our luck, there's nobody here but us.

He goes over to the door, pulls something from his back pocket and twists the doorknob. He does it again until the door no longer swings open.

Holy fuck, how did he get a key? It's now the two of us, no other stranger lurking at our intentions.

The purple lights under the sinks create a luminous setting, my eyes trying to keep a clear vision of Harry. The alcohol in my system has me under its spell, making my mind race into many thoughts and my insides are churning.

I just hope that I don't puke in front of him, but saves me time to not rush all the way to the bathroom. The beat of my heart is pumping so hard, my blood is running everywhere to my internal organs and my face as I stare back at Harry who is at the door still.

Taking his hand off the knob, he creeps closer to me. "Since you asked me to fuck you in the bathroom, I'm gonna ask you why?" He arches an eyebrow as he steps to me while I walk back blindly.

"Because you choose to." I answer quickly.

"Me? Or you?" He implies back. The bottom of his boots scuff against the floor, causing him to scoot closer as we eliminate the space between us. I can feel the heat in the room becoming stronger, the sweat on my forehead growing faster.

"Well since you're the one who has been teasing my pussy this whole night, I choose to believe that you want me to get fucked so hard. Otherwise you wouldn't be standing here in the girls bathroom." My choice of words are out of my character as I huff back to him.

"Jesus, do you always fucking talking like this while you're drunk?" Harry asks me, walking faster as I lead my body backwards. My ass finally touches something and I turn around as the cold porcelain of the bathroom sink sits behind me.

"It's because I am drunk Harryyy.." I blurt. "And I thought you wanted to do this quickly."

He tilts his head slightly to the left and scoffs at me. "I rarely do drunk fucks, ever. Especially with how you're acting right now.." The frustration in his voice becomes louder, his body language becoming stiff.

I shake my head lightly, avoiding any pain. "You're the one who's not drunk and stop being such a grump sometimes you need to relax-"

Both of his hands slam onto the edge of the sink trapping me in the middle. He leans closer, eyes raging with annoyance as I feel my breathing hitch higher. He's got me stuck and my heart is racing faster like an anxiety attack.

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